I’ve had a pair of strap wrenches for a long time. Here’s what one looks like if you’re unaware (it’s not what I own but probably better):

They are, in fact, something I believe my dad gave me as a gift years ago… and to this day I’m still thankful he gave me these wonderful tools. The funny thing is that I actually haven’t had occasion to use them until recently when I met my match: the lid to a new cup my son received:
Try as I might, I could NOT get the lid off! I twisted and twisted but to no avail. But I couldn’t show weakness, I’m a guy, darn it! Eventually I gave up and started for a large slip wrench but thought I might crack the plastic when it dawned on me, get a strap wrench. And so I did. You wouldn’t believe how easily the lid came off with a simple twist of the appropriate tool. I was almost ashamed…
…until I turned that into a teaching moment about torque and angular momentum and what not–I’m pretty sure I made up half of it–and besides, my kid zoned out about five seconds in regardless.
Anyway, the point here was that the strap wrench saved the day yet again. This isn’t the only time. I’ve used it to remove all sorts of things I can’t much remember anymore, from stubborn PVC to water filter housings to assorted plumbing. And the best part about them is that they won’t scratch finished surfaces!
For me, I feel a simple strap wrench is a nice addition to any prepper’s toolbox. In fact, i keep one in my “bug out toolbox” and have considered placing one in my vehicle but haven’t quite done so yet.
So, what types of unexpected tools can you think of? I would appreciate hearing about them.
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