Month: March 2013

  • Today is World Water Day [infographic]

    Apparently today is “world water day” and I was asked to mention this infographic on Why Plumbers are Heroes. Spend 30 seconds and read the infographic; it’s an eye-opening reminder about how important clean water is to our health. In fact, I’m reminded of a quote that went something like “we owe our health more…

  • 297 Free Survival Books and Manuals contacted me a few days back and pointed out they had a huge library of survival books (PDF files) and other manuals that you may want to bookmark… and I thought I had a lot of files to share! FYI, I had trouble opening these files in my browser (it could just be my…

  • What Are You Neglecting? (Keep Up With Things That Wear Out)

    Preparedness is about a lot of things, from buying stuff to learning new skills and especially about making plans. It’s also very much about keeping up with your stuff and ensuring your equipment and supplies are there and ready when you need them to be. I’m sure I’ve said it before but it bears repeating:…

  • Review of O2 Cool Portable Fan

    I know it’s the wrong time of year to talk about portable fans but I recently purchased this for upcoming spring and summer camping and, of course, couldn’t help but fiddle with it. That said, it’s also useful for emergency power outages which is another big reason why I bought it. Upon initial un-boxing, I…

  • Introduction to Small Game Hunting and Trapping by Editor-at-Large, Jerry Ward

    We’ve all heard the “rule”- the human body can survive for roughly thirty days without food.  Our individual metabolism and body fat percentages can cause a shift of a few days in either direction, but at some point a caloric deficit will lead to the shutting down of organ systems and death.  Given that fact,…

  • Egg Storage Experiment – Week 9 Results

    I can hardly believe I’m halfway through this experiment already! As you might remember from last week I choose to discard the control eggs since they were not going to be used or tested, so all I have left to show are the mineral oil eggs. There isn’t much to update this week as everything…

  • Why Checklists are Critical to Prepping and You

    A few weeks back I read this post on The Importance of Checklists. It’s a short post about why he realized he needed a checklist (because he forgot an important piece of gear) and a few ideas of what he’ll do in the future. As for me, I’m a checklist kind of guy and have…

  • 8 Perpetual Prepping Myths Debunked (My Open Letter to “Normal” People)

    This is an open letter to all non-preppers (aka, “normal” people) who may have unfortunate and mis-guided beliefs about what preppers are and are not. I’ve done this in list format for easier debunking. Preppers: Please choose to forward this to any non-preppers if you like. Non-Preppers: Please feel free to open your mind for a few minutes…

  • Review of Mr. Buddy MH9BX 4-9K BTU Indoor-Safe Portable Radiant Heater

    I should start by pointing out that this is the smaller Mr. Buddy portable heater (there is a larger unit that produces about double the BTU output but uses two propane canisters rather than one). A few details, from the associated Amazon page: 4,000- to 9,000-BTU radiant heater for spaces up to 200 square feet…