Month: August 2014

  • Ohio Water Problems Could Have Been Prepared for!

    Ohio Water Problems Could Have Been Prepared for!

    To be honest, I don’t watch much of the news (haven’t in a long time) and about the only way I learn of things like this are from other survival blogs and videos. And when I watched the following video from Ferfal titled “Ohio Can’t Even Boil Their Water” I got intrigued because that strategy is…

  • Saving 70% or More on Printer Ink: Frugal Friday

    Saving 70% or More on Printer Ink: Frugal Friday

    If you’re still buying your printer ink at the local stores like Walmart and Best Buy you’re really missing out and worse yet… spending way too much money on printer ink. Instead, you should be shopping at discount retailers such as and dozens of other places. Honestly, is where I still choose to buy…