24 Items to Stockpile Now

Who doesn’t love lists? I know I do! And as a prepper, you should, too. 🙂

The following video discusses two dozen items (besides the aluminum foil and parchment paper discussed the other day) that may prove useful to you for a variety of survival scenarios. I found they included some interesting items that I hadn’t seen before, such as the inflatable sewer plug (for those who are on city sewage) and tactical gloves, though I’m unsure how useful the gloves might be for survival.

On the other hand, there are a few items mentioned that I don’t recommend, such as the crank/squeeze flashlights; just purchase something that uses batteries, such as these handheld AA flashlights which I’ve purchased multiple times in the past.

Of course, I have my own take on what’s important to stockpile, but each to his own, I guess. Visit the video description on YouTube for links. Enjoy!


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJ49Y5X4


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