I happened upon this first video and then the never-ending YouTube trail led me to find the rest. I’d say that I definitely haven’t seen at least half of the gadgets shown in the following videos–possibly more–many of which look really interesting! Hope you find them as enjoyable as I did…

25 Survival Gadgets You’re Going to Want!
Discover the 5 Minute Survival Blueprint course and get yourself prepared fast, easy, and inexpensively! It’s my gift from one prepper to another. 🙂
One response to “25 Survival Gadgets You’re Going to Want!”
Always enjoyed your material! I’ve been a huge advocate of sawback machetes for years. I have one with each Get Home or Bug Out Bag that I assemble. I never looked into their legality, though. They MAY be considered weapons in some states (like the Communist regimes that surround Pennsylvania (NY, NJ & MD)!
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