3 Ingredient Survival Rations

I was looking for something to cheer me up, and this video may have given me some hope. 🙂

FYI, I jumped three minutes ahead to get to the good stuff. Although he mentions prepper foods you may have heard of before, such as pemmican and hardtack, he’s come up with his own solution: fat (you can use coconut oil), oats, and flour.

The interesting part of this idea is that, he says, you can add whatever else you want. For instance, to make it sweet, add sugar. To make it savory, add spices. Make three different kinds and you have something for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Last, while he suspects they could last for several years when properly cooked and packaged, I wonder if that’s true because of the oil content going rancid. I would also be wary about trying to package these for long-term storage, such as in a Foodsaver, for this very reason, too. What do you think?


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