7 Shocking Truths About Living Without Electricity

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Electricity helps to keep us cool (and warm), cook our food, light up the darkness, wash our clothes and dishes, and keeps our most nutritious foods from spoiling, to name a handful of amazing uses.

The following is an honest look at how truly important electricity is to our modern lives and dives deep into seven ways that electricity–and living without it–WILL be shocking to so many people who have come to rely solely on modern society and the conveniences that it brings, especially power…

“If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to live without electricity for a long time, just ask the people of Puerto Rico. Many of them lived without power for nearly a year. And according to a Harvard study, the death rate in Puerto Rico nearly doubled after Hurricane Maria do to a lack of air conditioning and medical care.

It has been estimated that if the power went out all over the United States for a full year, 90% of the population wouldn’t survive. That’s how dependent we are on the power grid, which is a scary thought considering that a cyber attack or an EMP could bring it down at any time.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the luxuries we take for granted. Here are seven things you’ll realize after the power grid goes down.

1. Climate Control is a Godsend
Most people don’t realize just how awful life can be without climate control such as air conditioning and heaters. These things really are wonderful inventions.

First let’s talk about air conditioning. For the better part of a century, people have relied upon electric climate control to keep their homes a comfy 73° F year-round. So what happens when the power goes out?…”

Read the full article here


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One response to “7 Shocking Truths About Living Without Electricity”

  1. Author Damian Brindle, thank you for this post. Its very inspiring.

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