9 Ways to Start a Fire Without Matches

It’s always good to remind yourself even if you’re already aware of these techniques, just so they’re fresh in your mind should the need ever arise. But if you don’t know how to start a fire without matches, then take some time and watch the following videos. You’ll learn lifelong skills that could just save your life. And, of course, you’ll want to practice them at some point because knowing that something is possible is a far cry different from putting a skill into practice.

IDEA #1: Using a cotton swab and lip balm, then lighting with a ferro rod:

IDEA #2: Using a 9-volt and steel wool; be careful with this idea because you are technically draining the 9-volt battery at maximum, which could cause it to explode:

IDEA #3: Using a magnesium fire starter:

IDEAS #4 and #5: Hand drill and bow drill:

IDEAS #6-8: Using AA battery and gum wrapper or aluminum foil, a bottle of water, and a plastic bag (also using water):

IDEA #9: Using a magnifying glass and char cloth:

BONUS IDEAS: The following video details 13 ways to start a fire without matches. It includes some duplicates, but also useful ideas not shown previously, including the fire plow, fire piston, and using a flashlight:

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My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJ49Y5X4


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