Are Pet Stores a “Secret” Place For Last Minute Preps?

pet-storeI was recently watching a show about Armageddon or zombie apocalypse (aren’t they really all the same?) when one of the people on the show suggested that your local pet store was a better place to find lats minute supplies–in particular food and water–than any local grocery store. I said “What!? No way.” He basically stated that most people wouldn’t bother to go to a pet store because they wouldn’t see that as a place to get the things they needed, such as food, water, and medicines. And, to a large extent, he’s quite right.

I know I wouldn’t have bothered to go to a pet store for any last minute preps and I doubt you would either. To be fair, he was only suggesting it as a place to go if you were really desperate and didn’t have anything whatsoever. However, because the entire purpose of “being prepared” is to not have these kinds of problems then finding need to shop for last minute supplies at a pet store should be a moot point, right?

Well, I got to thinking about this more and more, mostly because it bothered me that people might see the show and think a pet store is a great place to last minute shop, and so I did some research online and thought about it a bit more and, whether I like the idea or not, the guy might have a small point, albeit a VERY small point.

Now, the first thing I did was Google “is pet food safe for human consumption” and, as it turns out, pet food might generally be safe for human consumption. I say “might” because I can’t find anything that says emphatically that it isn’t safe. In fact, there are EU laws that require pet food to be safe for human consumption unless specifically stated otherwise; on the other hand, I couldn’t find anything about US safety laws in my brief online search. That said, we do have ample evidence from homeless persons that you can eat pet food and at least stay alive. Would I want to do it? Of course not. Should you? Probably not if for nothing more than the fact that who knows what by-products, end-products, or other odd ingredients went into the food BECAUSE it’s not meant to be consumed by humans.

I then decided to stop by a local Petco (and even search their website) to see what’s possible. No, I didn’t buy any cans of cat food to “test” and besides the obvious pet supplies I was having a hard time finding anything that I thought would be truly useful. Maybe I could turn a dog leash into some usable cordage by that seems like a huge waste of money among other problems. Now, if I agreed that I could buy pet food to eat if I had to and maybe even find some bottles of water then that’s something. Most importantly, however, is that I could probably buy some fish antibiotics for my sick “fish” if I felt I needed more.

But, what else could I utilize? Well, like I said I had a really hard time finding anything else that I can truly use for prepping for myself and not my dog. Ultimately, I found myself asking “is this a secret place for preps” and the answer is emphatically NO. Can you find supplies there? Yeah, sort of… if I had no other choice. But, remember, you do have a choice: the choice to be prepared and not have to go out at the last minute for any reason.


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8 responses to “Are Pet Stores a “Secret” Place For Last Minute Preps?”

  1. kdonat

    Large Office Supply stores: snack room supplies (snack foods, bottled and canned beverages, paper products, cleaning supplies for office lounges)

    Bait shops: snack and beverage items, first aid kits, live bait can be cooked an eaten

    Carryout restaurants: beverages, breads, prepared foods

    Restaurant Supply stores: Larger cans of staples (in case you end up feeding family/friends/neighbors that have to find safe haven with you), canned fuel, paper goods, dairy goods (milk, eggs, butter), shelf stable cereals/crackers/peanut butter/jelly/soups etc.

    1. How could I forget bait shops!? Thanks for the other suggestions too.

  2. snb

    Also if you just had to use animal food for people food the higher grade foods, such as grain free or no by-product lines would be possible. I have one of my dogs on a grain free, by product free food that actually smells quite good. But another option would also be feed stores/garden shops that carry more than just pet products. Prep now but don’t overlook some odd places that might have something you could use (horse blankets, etc) They have sales too

  3. There is possibilities in the pet store, such as the anti-botics you mentioned but also the larger fish as a breeding group for protein later.

    And most importantly if all your other preps are in order – barter goods.
    You might not want to eat dog/cat food but how many people without any food would be willing to trade for it?

    1. I hadn’t thought about breeding fish. Thanks, Bob.

  4. RoyG

    i think in a PAW situation the pet store would be a last resort but an option non the less.. yes preparing now is the best but if in the future things are looking bleak than i wouldnt discount the possabilities.. besides like Sam said the meds are a good to have in supply as back up or primary.. not may people would think to get them in a pinch..

  5. Sam Flocks

    Great Idea, but I think you missed some of the point. Look at medical supplies. I know that I personally use several horse medications (medicated soap, antibiotic cream, wraps) that will be useful. Most animal medications are just the same as human, but cheaper.

    1. Though the point was more about food and water I did mention fish antibiotics as being something you can procure there. Thanks.

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