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DIY Urban Get Home Bag

I know many of us preppers focus on bug out bags, SHTF scenarios, and whatnot, but disasters of all kinds–even smaller, localized ones–happen, too. In fact, they’re far more likely than any major catastrophe. With that in mind, your ability to get home, to where most of your supplies are–not to mention your family, pets, vehicles, and everything else are–is crucial.

Therefore, it’s equally crucial to have a get home bag specifically made to get you home ASAP. It should be lightweight, relatively inconspicuous, and not cost a fortune. And, while I have my own ideas (I did write a book on the topic), I’d say the following video is a wonderful example of what you can do on a budget. If you don’t yet have a GHB made, please take the time to create one and keep it in your vehicle for if/when the need arises…

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One response to “DIY Urban Get Home Bag”

  1. Frank Vazquez

    Honestly, I am tired of bug out bag, bail out bag, get home bag or other such videos because they tend to be redundant and so I get bored with them now.

    I think people should just pack an “emergency bag” and put everything they need in it because when it comes down to it, they all pretty often include the same items and supplies.

    It makes sense to create a “get home bag” or a “Bug out bag” for your intended purpose so you are properly equipped, but when your “bag” is packed the same as your other “mission specific” bags then you might as well just design a kit to handle any situation.

    I think everyone needs a small kit in their car, office, home, etc., that they will actually keep on hand or even just a fanny pack, waist pack, belt pouch or pouches and have a holster or sheath for a phone, knife or multi-tool and always have a few items available at all times.

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