New Smartphone Survival Apps Book

I’ve been writing survival books for about seven years, now. And one of the first books I’d written was about smartphone apps for survival. Regrettably, the original book on this topic is in need of some help…I’m almost ashamed that people still buy it considering how outdated the advice has been for years, lol.

But the good news is that I finally updated my smartphone apps book. If interested, it’s available for pre-order for a mere $2.99 (Kindle only) through the weekend, and will go live on Monday.

Personally, I believe that your smartphone is truly one of the unsung heroes of survival gear. So many preppers are quick to dismiss it’s usefulness during an emergency, which I believe is a mistake. But, then, so is relying on anything 100%.

As with any survival tool, a properly configured smartphone can prove invaluable during the hours and days after a disaster, but it needs to be setup properly, and that’s what my latest book, 27 Crucial Smartphone Apps for Survival (second edition, Kindle only), does quickly and easily.

I won’t belabor the point here, but I will state that, like any tool, you need to:

  1. Prepare your smartphone beforehand by loading up with the free survival apps I recommend, and
  2. Familiarize yourself with these apps so that you’re not fumbling through setup screens or wondering why nothing is working as expected.

There might also be a third point to be made here, which is to setup other family member’s smartphones in a similar fashion. Well, assuming you care about their survival, too, of course. 🙂

The good news is that every app I recommend is free, and only one of them required registration. Last, every app I list can be found in the Google Play Store (for Android) and the Apple Store (for iPhones), though there were a few apps which weren’t available in the Apple Store, so I found viable alternatives.

Anyway, I hope you find my latest survival book useful. It’s a quick read and packed with quality advice that, while I hope you’ll never need, will ensure your smartphone is ready for if/when you do.


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


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