Only $800 on Groceries Per Year for Two Adults?

You read that title correctly: This person apparently only spends roughly $67 per month on groceries; I think we spend at least $800 per month on groceries … at least it feels that way. 🙂

She spends so little by (1) only purchasing items on very deep discount when necessary and (2) reverse-meal-planning, meaning she looks at what’s in her pantry and then only purchases what’s needed from the grocery store to make a meal from what’s already in her home.

Although I applaud the effort, I don’t see it working out over the long haul because you’re going to have to replenish foods already in your pantry at some point. Thus, the reverse-meal-planning strategy is going to eventually give. That said, I’d imagine she’s much better at saving money on groceries than most of us are. There’s more to the strategy, which you can watch below. Unfortunately, I couldn’t embed the video, but you can watch it on YouTube:

Last, the lady has a Facebook group where you can discuss frugal grocery tips and it appears she offers a lot of free downloads and whatnot to help you on your journey:

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My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


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