The Perfect Off-Grid or Bug Out Solution?

Got an RV or, better yet, a travel trailer? If so, then it might just be the perfect solution for living off grid during a SHTF or bug out situation. But only as long as you have it setup properly…


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


One response to “The Perfect Off-Grid or Bug Out Solution?”

  1. Frank

    I know the channel and the husband and wife have made some good videos, but in this one he kept saying you can “do this” and then, “You may not have…” and that you can’t depend on getting propane.

    He was both right and wrong, but the thing to remember and understand is that you prepare, you buy supplies, and you have to have alternatives and sometimes just make do or do without.

    There are many way to cook, so I wouldn’t worry too much about having power for a microwave or propane to grill when there is this stuff called wood and the trees provide it all over the place.

    Forget all the negatives and focus on doing what you can and just hope you don’t run out of things or that they become scarce. Otherwise, you become like those people that don’t do anything because they say they can’t afford anything, stores will run out of supplies, the government will confiscate everything or marauders will steal everything.

    I love air conditioning and cold food, but what we need to survive is much less than we are used to in this day and age.

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