Happy 4th of July!

I wanted to take a moment to wish you a happy 4th of July (albeit a day early) even though I figure most people are likely taking a long weekend to have some fun, just like I am.

I really do hope you’re well and that you’re able to enjoy some time off, especially with family. I can tell you from experience that, as a prepper, it feels so much like I can’t take any time off, but I know that’s not true.

I realize that I’m playing the long game because prepping isn’t a one-time thing. Although it’s true that you can complete a lot of preparedness tasks in a short period of time, prepping is ultimately a lifestyle. That is, you can’t really “take a weekend and get it done.” There’s always something more that needs done, fixed, or purchased.

But that doesn’t mean prepping has to control your life, either. This is a lesson I’m beginning to embrace more often, particularly as I age. You really do need to take the time to enjoy other aspects of life, even if it’s only stopping to smell the roses, throw a ball for your dog (like I often do with mine), spending time with a friend, or reading a book.

Then, when you’ve had your time to rest and relax, get back to prepping in whatever way that means to you. And if you’ve given prepping a long break, now’s a great time to get back into it!

Prepping doesn’t have to be difficult. But it really can’t be done after a disaster strikes. Take baby steps here and there and you’ll be so much further ahead than nearly everyone else who choose to do nothing. And if it turns out that your preparations never become necessary, thank your lucky stars because it also means the worst didn’t happen to you.

If you have questions, ask me. I’m happy to help if I can. Just shoot me an email or post a comment.

Have a great rest of your 4th.


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJ49Y5X4


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