About Me, and This Site…

Me And My Family

You’re here because you want to be prepared and I want to help you do just that.

In fact, this site is dedicated to providing top-notch family emergency preparedness resources, tools, and tips to better prepare you and your family for nearly any disaster or emergency situation. I guarantee it.

This is accomplished through engaging regular content, many hundreds of videos and “how to” articles, as well as plenty of quality article and content links. Take a tour to understand this site better then pick your favorite way to follow, be it email, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

You’ll find plenty of reasons to come back often!

Choose to stick around, learn from my experiences, share your own in the comments below a post, and otherwise have a good time here. 🙂 Simply enter your email address below and click the “Sign Me Up” button to receive free updates right now:

My Story

My name is Damian Brindle and I’m what you might call an “survival enthusiast”, at least that’s what I call it. 🙂

I’m not an expert with respect to survival and preparedness… nobody can claim that; however, I do have a passion and love of anything and everything related to emergency preparedness.

That said, I’ve been working at my preparedness journey for at least a decade now… it’s really just a lifestyle for me these days. I enjoy discussing and learning on a daily basis and certainly enjoy sharing what I’ve found as well as what I learn with you, hence the reason for this website.

I currently enjoy living in the Kansas City metro area with my wonderfully supportive wife and youngest boy. They are, after all, the entire reason why I do any of this stuff.

I would love to have your feedback in the comments section of any and all posts. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas. You may also choose to follow me via RSS FeedFacebook, and Pinterest.

Thank you for  your time. Now let’s get prepared together!