Author: Damian Brindle

  • 7 Ways to Dehydrate Food Without a Dehydrator

    7 Ways to Dehydrate Food Without a Dehydrator

    The core of any survivalist’s stock is healthful food with a long shelf life. Dehydrators are hefty, expensive kitchen tools you don’t need to get delicious results. Whether you like the texture or want to prepare for a harsh season, try these methods for at-home dehydration. You can maintain high nutritional value if executed and…

  • Trash Piles Up Quickly!

    Trash Piles Up Quickly!

    We had a brief dusting of snow over Thanksgiving. It was a small annoyance as most weather-related events are around here, but what was most annoying was our trash service failing to pick up our trash and recycling bins. It’s inevitable that whenever there’s the slightest hint of road trouble that they refuse to pick…

  • 4 DIY Emergency Heaters for Indoor Use

    4 DIY Emergency Heaters for Indoor Use

    If you’re down to using these from freezing to death, you’re in trouble. I’ve made all of these (or some variation of them) in the past with the exception of the chaffing fuel … those I’ve purchased. They’re all neat ideas, and sometimes useful as a light source, but most DIY ideas do little good…

  • Building the Ultimate Pest-Proof Storage Space

    Building the Ultimate Pest-Proof Storage Space

    Pests can quickly deplete your food supply and increase your chances of getting a foodborne illness. Luckily, you don’t need to do much to keep pests out for good. Follow these practical tips to ensure your stockpiled food stays secure in even the most demanding survival situations.  Is Your Storage Space Vulnerable to Pests? If…

  • 8 Ways to Prepare for Winter Now

    8 Ways to Prepare for Winter Now

    Being prepared isn’t just about having stuff or even skills that most people don’t. It’s very much about being proactive … we see what’s coming or what’s possible and take mitigating actions or have plans to deal with it. Our ancestors might have called it “common sense.” But just in case you need a reminder,…

  • 21 Prepping Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making

    21 Prepping Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making

    I came across this article with the same title last week and became intrigued. I wondered what MSN or any other MSM website was going to teach me about preparedness? Could it be that I missed something? Dental needs The first relevant slide (because it’s not a blog post referenced above, but a slideshow…

  • It’s the Little Things That You Will Miss

    It’s the Little Things That You Will Miss

    Earlier in the week we had a storm come through. It brought some rain, but was mostly high winds that eventually knocked out the power for three or four hours. It wasn’t long enough to be problematic, in that I didn’t have to hook up the refrigerator to backup power to keep food from spoiling,…

  • How to Make Cream Cheese

    How to Make Cream Cheese

    I can’t believe I never bothered to learn how to make cream cheese before. If I’m being honest, I had no idea it was this simple. All you need is milk and lemon juice (and possibly olive oil) for the ingredients, and a way to heat and beat the mixture until it transforms into that…

  • Light and Radio Options

    Light and Radio Options

    When preparing for emergencies, having reliable power sources for essential devices, especially lights and radios, is crucial. But should you choose battery-powered devices, hand-crank devices, solar-powered options, or non-technological alternatives, like candles and kerosene lanterns? We’ll cover the pros and cons of each. Lighting Options Proper lighting is essential during emergencies, allowing you to navigate…