Author: Damian Brindle

  • The Hidden Power of Canned Meat

    The Hidden Power of Canned Meat

    I’m a huge fan of canned food, including meats, for survival. I believe that any prepper worth his or her weight in gold, if you will, stockpiles food when times are good. But it has to be the right food, since a lot of what you can buy these days is bad for your health.…

  • How to Make Biodiesel From Used Cooking Oil

    How to Make Biodiesel From Used Cooking Oil

    While I’ve heard of biodiesel and creating renewable fuels, I thought it was exclusive to corporations and a more eco-friendly future. As it so happens, many people can create their own from used cooking oil.  Here’s the simplest way I discovered to make biodiesel, regardless of your skill level and knowledge. The more people try…

  • Boil or Filter Water First? I May Have Been Wrong All Along…

    Boil or Filter Water First? I May Have Been Wrong All Along…

    When treating collected water for human consumption, I’ve long stated that you should definitely do more than just boil OR filter the water alone. Even though I very much believe in the effectiveness of the Berkey water filter system (and their black Berkey filters, in particular), you really don’t want to mess around with all…

  • Is 10-Year-Old Water Still Good?

    Is 10-Year-Old Water Still Good?

    The other day, my sister-in-law, Kristie, called me and asked if the stored water they kept in their 55-gallon water barrel was still good. It took me a moment to catch up with her and the conversation she’d already been having in her head about the topic, but apparently I’d given them a water barrel…

  • Sanitation and Hygiene During Emergencies

    Sanitation and Hygiene During Emergencies

    In times of emergency, maintaining proper sanitation and hygiene can be as critical to your survival as food, water, and shelter. When infrastructure collapses, waste management systems fail, and clean water becomes scarce, knowing how to manage hygiene and sanitation becomes essential to keeping yourself and your family safe from disease and illness. This blog…

  • Winter Storms: What You Need for Snow and Ice Emergencies

    Winter Storms: What You Need for Snow and Ice Emergencies

    A few winters ago, a family living in a relatively mild climate assumed that their usual winter prep—mainly relying on space heaters and a thin stock of canned goods—would suffice for the season. But when a major winter storm hit their area, temperatures plummeted, and heavy snow caused widespread power outages. Their house quickly became…

  • 3 Ingredient Survival Rations

    3 Ingredient Survival Rations

    I was looking for something to cheer me up, and this video may have given me some hope. 🙂 FYI, I jumped three minutes ahead to get to the good stuff. Although he mentions prepper foods you may have heard of before, such as pemmican and hardtack, he’s come up with his own solution: fat…

  • The 72-Hour Emergency Kit Guide

    The 72-Hour Emergency Kit Guide

    A few years ago, a family in the Midwest experienced the unexpected. Their town was hit by a devastating tornado, and within minutes, their home was severely damaged. The family survived the initial impact but found themselves completely unprepared for the days that followed. With roads blocked by debris, stores closed, and power outages that…

  • Offline Entertainment Options During Power Outages

    Offline Entertainment Options During Power Outages

    When the power goes out, life can grind to a halt—especially if we’re unprepared for the downtime. Many people think of preparedness in terms of gear, food, and water, but an often-overlooked aspect is how to keep minds engaged (especially children) during extended power outages. Let me be clear: a variety of offline entertainment options…