Better Places to Find Last Minute Preps

shopThe post on Monday asked whether pet stores were a “secret” place to find last minute preps and the answer was obviously NO. Today, however, I try to point out a few places where you could actually find last minutes supplies if you really had to. Now, even though I wrote an e-book about last minute shopping at places like Walmart and Home Depot, you know as well as I do that that places like these–along with your local grocery stores–are going to be swamped and quickly drained of anything useful if a true emergency were imminent.

Obviously, these places should be avoided if at all possible. The question, therefore, is where might you be able to find last minute supplies should you actually need to do so AND not have to literally fight over the last package of crackers? Here’s a few thoughts to get you started…

  • Gas stations – this has got to be at the top of my list as they’re so numerous I would be surprised if you can’t find anything useful in at least one or two nearby you. Certainly you can find gasoline, but many stores stock plenty of shelf-stable foods, propane (a huge MUST), as well as an assortment of OTC medications, hard alcohol (for more than just drinking), batteries, and other random supplies. Certainly, you’re going to pay a premium price for these goods and their availability will depend largely on the gas station you stop at but, in my opinion, I would hit every gas station within a 5 mile radius ASAP if this were your plan.
  • ATM machines (any of them) – I know you can’t actually find supplies at an ATM machine but you can get the next best thing so long as stores are optating: cash. Even if you have to pay bank fees to get a few hundred dollars from another bank’s ATM machine, I’d say it’s worth the expense to get the currency that most businesses are likely to accept if power is out. Don’t expect that credit cards, debit cards, or even checks can or will be accepted. Regardless, it’s wise to already have some cash on hand for just such an occasion but it can’t hurt to have a bit more.
  • Garden centers – think of all the tools and supplies you can find to work your garden, from seeds to soil and more. You might even be able to find additional water barrels to add to a rainwater system or just for water storage. Certainly, you’re not stocking up on the obvious last minute supplies but you’re at least bolstering you ability to be more self reliant.
  • Drug stores – places like CVS Pharmacy are becoming more and more numerous and would be better options to get many medical supplies than fighting through Walmart crowds. You might even be able to find a few snack type foods and water to stockpile as well.
  • Hospitals – oftentimes hospitals have small convenience stores where you can purchase small snacks foods and bottles of water. I briefly considered airport convenience stores that sounds like a nightmare I want no part of for just a few supplies.
  • Dollar stores – again, like any other convenience store you can find many, many useful items here… far more than just food and water. However, I would suspect a place like this would be wiped out fairly quickly too so it’s last on my list.

It should go without saying that you’re going to pay through the nose by buying last minute supplies in this way but if you’re desperate then you may have no other choice.

What if I had to go to a grocery store or Walmart?

It should go without saying that staples like food and water are going to fly off the shelves before you can say “boo,” so I wouldn’t look here for the obvious. Rather, I would look for things like OTC medications, propane, various home improvement supplies (such as duct tape), hard alcohol (again, many uses besides the obvious), child care products, disposable eating supplies, and so on. Basically, you’re walking along the outside aisles of most grocery stores and grabbing things most people may overlook. Oh, and you can probably find an ATM machine too.

What places would you add?


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4 responses to “Better Places to Find Last Minute Preps”

  1. I would recommend Independent drug stores over the national chains; better chance to bargain/barter and might have a wider selection even if not the depth of inventory.

    Same with independent hardware stores versus the chain garden centers.

    And don’t forget video stores if you can find any left. Might only be junk food available but sodas, water and candy helps.

    1. I actually had the independent drug stores in mind when writing the post but I figured more people had access to the national chains.

  2. RoyG

    In a True grid down where the law of the land does not exist or is inperil and you are on the run (bugging out) or just in need of restocking supplies… office building would have water machines and vending machines.. now im not condoning or implying looting im just talking about a true SHTF… this is off the grid ideas..

    in a things are semi normal just before a disaster is coming and you have time to do last min preps you can get to high end stores like whole foods, fresh market and those guys.. they have a limited customer base during normal times and if a disaster is inbound most wont think to go there.. `Also retailers like Bass Pro shops, and other like them but your choices would be limited to basic water and specialised food stuff…

    I have a state park near where i live and they have a convience store on the property that has a little bit of everything for the campers and boaters and they are open a few 7 days a week.. their are alot of small convience stores around the parks system and out of the way places in remote areas and iv marked them on my maps for emergencies so im going the opposite direction of everybody else (they are going to the grocery stores)… this has worked for me alot from getting gas, water and small food stuff in the wake of an approaching hurricane here in South Fl, when the sheeple are panicking for last min anything…

    1. I was thinking more residential places but offices would be a great place to look. In fact, I would imagine there are plenty of commercial buildings that would be even better places to find last minute supplies. Thanks for the thoughts.

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