I found this an interesting read. After all, where I live I’m virtually surrounded by water so it has certainly crossed my mind more than once about bugging out by boat. Perhaps someday I’ll have the means to do so… until then my bug outs are landlocked.
Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to take nearly enough supplies with him or prepare for such a scenario. It seems that was part of the challenge he was looking for. I’d imagine that if he’d opted to take more supplies he would have fared better, not to mention choosing a better boat besides a leaky one without a motor, lol…
“When you have to bug out on a boat, it puts a whole new twist on survival. It is estimated that 80-90% of the earth’s population lives near a major body of water. When highways and city streets get jammed up, a boat may be your best way out. Also, there are plenty of survival scenarios where a ship is sinking or a plane goes down and survivors are left on a life raft. It is very feasible that your survival skills could be put to the test on the water.
I complete several survival challenges every year to prepare myself for various scenarios and test my skills. When planning this spring, I realized that I have hardly ever read about boat challenges or seen them on television.
When I really started to dive into this scenario, I came to the conclusion that this is not attempted because of the level of difficulty. Few survivalists are qualified to handle this type of test. I planned my challenge for the hottest weekend of the year and spent almost six months preparing. It was a life changing experience…”
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