Category: Disaster Planning

  • 5 SHTF Strategies For Avoiding The Zombie Hordes

    5 SHTF Strategies For Avoiding The Zombie Hordes

    I really feel like we must be heading towards SHTF sooner rather than later. I’d suggest you merely look at all the charts which show we’re heading over a fiscal cliff in the near future and you’ll surely agree. When? I truly don’t know. It could be a decade from now or tomorrow. But it IS…

  • “Grab-n-Go” Power Outage Kit

    “Grab-n-Go” Power Outage Kit

    A funny thing happened while on the way to write this post: the power went out… again. Just yesterday the power went out due to high winds for several hours and it turned out that I got into quite a few basic survival items this time, including more than a dozen items listed below. You…

  • The Power Goes Out And You Would Think Hell Froze Over…

    Just yesterday we had another power outage. There’s just something about rain, winds, tall trees, and above-ground power lines that don’t mix. 😉 Granted, power outages are relatively common where we live and though it only lasted for a handful of hours, I swear my family freaks out every time. My kids, of course, have no access…

  • The Biggest Missing Piece With Preppers

    Apparently, you and I have been “missing” something and it has nothing to do with your supplies and gear but, rather, everything to do with a near-sighted view of prepping and, dare I say, selfish need to survive. Specifically, we’re not thinking about the long-term needs of rebuilding a society, let alone rebuilding America (and even…

  • Would Your Children Survive On Their Own?

    Would Your Children Survive On Their Own?

    Although a short post on the topic, it’s a good question to ask yourself if you have children at home. It’s easy to assume that you or your spouse will always be around to take care of things but this simply may not be the case. And, while the post referenced assumes it’s a post-SHTF…

  • Grocery Stores: No Freight for Two Days Means No Food Either!

    Grocery Stores: No Freight for Two Days Means No Food Either!

    Just yesterday (the day after Christmas) we went to the local grocery store during our twice monthly shopping trips to get perishables like fruits, vegetables, and whatnot. I was pleasantly surprised to see it wasn’t that busy at all, though, I assume the days before Christmas were insanely busy… I don’t know because I didn’t…

  • Have You Read: The Earthquake That Will Devastate The Pacific Northwest?

    Have You Read: The Earthquake That Will Devastate The Pacific Northwest?

    About a week or so ago this article titled “The Really Big One” by Kathryn Schulz from The New Yorker made the rounds on Facebook and it got me to really consider what a Cascadia earthquake meant for me (I live in the Pacific NW) as well as for the many millions of others who call this beautiful…

  • Could You, Would You, Should You Eat Bugs In A Survival Situation?

    Could You, Would You, Should You Eat Bugs In A Survival Situation?

    So there I was, standing in the bathroom staring at a near dead moth wondering what it would taste like. The thought quickly passed as I scooped it up and tossed it outside but for a moment, a mere moment, mind you… I pondered it. Now, I know eating a tiny moth would be nothing…

  • The Stages of Economic Collapse (Guest Post)

    The Stages of Economic Collapse (Guest Post)

    By Chelsy Ranard The stock markets are currently at record highs, inflation is manageable, and unemployment is down. For many this seems like our economy is doing great and has some steady momentum to keep moving upward. This may be the case, but this is also what our economy looked like just before the financial…