Category: Disaster Planning

  • What Would You Do If You Broke Your Arm During a Disaster?

    Just yesterday (in my 90 Day Exercise Routine Update) I mentioned that I had done something funny to my arm (and body) after messing around with my kids earlier in the week. Yeah, I know, I’m getting older and shouldn’t do stuff like that but it got me to thinking what if this were an actual emergency…

  • What Are You Neglecting? (Keep Up With Things That Wear Out)

    Preparedness is about a lot of things, from buying stuff to learning new skills and especially about making plans. It’s also very much about keeping up with your stuff and ensuring your equipment and supplies are there and ready when you need them to be. I’m sure I’ve said it before but it bears repeating:…

  • Why Checklists are Critical to Prepping and You

    A few weeks back I read this post on The Importance of Checklists. It’s a short post about why he realized he needed a checklist (because he forgot an important piece of gear) and a few ideas of what he’ll do in the future. As for me, I’m a checklist kind of guy and have…

  • Google Maps vs. Google Earth for Prepping

    [Note: This is a VERY pic-heavy post so I apologize to those with slow Internet connections.] I’m relatively familiar with Google Maps as it’s my favorite service for driving directions but I had no experience with Google Earth and began to wonder if it would be better in some way for prepping. So, I proceeded…

  • What if The Shoe Were on The Other Foot and You Were The Safe Haven?

    With a ton of family in town this past week (especially over the weekend) I got to thinking what if the shoe were on the other foot? That is, what if we had to be the safe haven for family and friends who had to evacuate? Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy are prime examples. In this case,…

  • 5 Skills Every Prepper Should Learn

    I happened upon a link to a post at with a very similar title (I “borrowed heavily” for this post) and began reading because, after all, who doesn’t like lists? To summarize, the list included 10 skills: stick welding, small engine repair, how to fish, how to butcher animals, learn to trap, gunsmithing, basic…

  • Review of Thermos Stainless King 16-Ounce Food Jar

    I’m a fan of vacuum thermos jars and have always stuck with larger (1 quart or more) Stanley brand jars. This particular Thermos brand food jar is simply a smaller option that seemed like a better idea for our bug out bags or short term emergency because it takes up less space and is lighter-weight. At 16…

  • Body Armor for Dummies

    Here’s a nice article on Body Armor for Dummies that really explains what you ought to know if you’re new them, like me: “No doubt, the vast majority of you are aware of the fact that our federal government seems intent on violating our inalienable right to self-defense, among others. It is entirely possible that…

  • The Probability Spectrum of Disasters

    The probability spectrum of disasters isn’t anything new but it does bear being reminded of from time to time. In fact, I did not come up with the idea on my own. I’m sure I’ve seen it elsewhere before but the first time I remember hearing of it was from Jack Spirko of and more…