Category: Disaster Planning
An Often Missed Prep: Your Home Inventory
One area of preparedness that I don’t think we preppers take as seriously as we should is inventorying our household possessions for an emergency situation. I’m not talking about organizing your supplies (I’ve written about that in the past here). This post is purely about “what happens if it’s all lost and now I need…
Hungry Mouths Consume A LOT!
I was helping my mother-in-law the other day bring up some canned food from her food storage so she could make spaghetti for various friends that needed a bit of help. Cooking meals for other people is, in fact, something my in-laws do quite a bit in part because they enjoy doing so as well…
A Simple Prep Saved The Day Today (I’m So Proud of Myself!)
I thought I would quickly mention that even the smallest of prepping acts can pay off. I’m referring to the fact that my wife locked her keys in the car while at her office (about a 45 minute drive one way) which would have required me to either drive down there to unlock the car…
An OPSEC Get Home Bag by MorrisB, Editor-at-Large
Many articles have been written regarding Get Home bags (GHB) but for the sake of providing a different option I’ll share what I use. First-off, one must obviously have the bag accessible to be of any benefit if things suddenly start falling apart. So, how do we have them accessible? Well, we carry them to…
Taking Your Preps to the Next Level With the P.A.C.E. Concept
A while ago I read this article from that got me to thinking about how robust my emergency preparedness plans really are. And, after a short deliberation, I concluded that they really are not as robust as they can be. Granted, we’re better off than most American families, but not yet good enough in…