Category: Disaster Planning
What to Do Before, During, and After a Flood
Homesteaders and off-grid folks should be prepared for possible floods. Even if you live in an area where floods are rare, safeguarding the life you spent years building is crucial for your peace and safety. Preparing Before a Flood These are the top to-dos to complete to prepare your land for a flood. Weather reports…
Pill Organizers for Bug Out Bags
With how organized I like to be, I can’t believe I haven’t done this yet. For what it’s worth, I’ve always just kept my over-the-counter (OTC) meds in small Ziploc bags, labeled with a sharpie. Those small bags were then stashed in a larger, quart-sized Ziploc and placed in each bug out bag. Recently, I…
New Smartphone Survival Apps Book
I’ve been writing survival books for about seven years, now. And one of the first books I’d written was about smartphone apps for survival. Regrettably, the original book on this topic is in need of some help…I’m almost ashamed that people still buy it considering how outdated the advice has been for years, lol. But…
Pet Emergency Kit Considerations
Our pets are cherished members of the family, and just like any other family member, they need to be prepared for emergencies. Whether it’s a natural disaster, power outage, or unexpected evacuation, having a well-stocked pet emergency kit can make a world of difference during stressful times. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything…
Emergency Funds
Life throws curveballs. It’s a cliché for a reason – unexpected events can derail even the most meticulously planned budgets, and when you’re also trying to prepare your home and family for emergencies of all sorts, it makes financial stewardship even more crucial. It could be anything: a car breaks down, the washing machine floods…
Cooking Without Power
The flicker of a dying light bulb. The hum of the refrigerator grinding to a halt. The sudden plunge into darkness confirms it – a power outage. While the inconvenience of a dark living room is easily manageable, the question of food quickly becomes a concern. Don’t worry, even without electricity, you can still create…
Conditions for Success in Prepping
I’ve long stated that preparedness is a lot like having insurance: you carry insurance just in case you need yet hope you never do. As a personal example, last September we had a massive hail storm roll through our neighborhood. It totaled our vehicles, and did significant damage to our house (we needed new rooftop…
I Asked Chat GPT 5 Questions About Preparedness. Here’s My Assessment
I’d always wondered how “smart” an AI software can be, especially when it comes to something near and dear to my heart–preparedness. So, I signed up for Chat GPT and started asking it some questions about survivalism. Here’s how it responded and my thoughts below. Question #1: How do I prepared for a disaster? My…
Black Markets During SHTF – Useful or Not?
In keeping with last week’s post on hiding survival supplies during SHTF, I wanted to touch on black markets after SHTF. For context, the following video by Sensible Prepper got me to thinking about the topic again, if you’d like to watch it. FYI, I’ve skipped ahead to around the 18:00 mark to get to…