Category: Equipment / Supplies

  • PSA: Massive Kidde Fire Extinguisher Recall

    PSA: Massive Kidde Fire Extinguisher Recall

    I just heard about this recall on the radio this morning and looked it up here. It seems that Kidde is recalling quite few of their plastic-handle model fire extinguishers (134 models, in fact) manufactured roughly between 1973 and 2015 because it can become clogged and not discharge. Yeah, that’s not good! FYI, if you…

  • 4 Reasons Why Biometric Gun Safes Are a Smart Choice

    4 Reasons Why Biometric Gun Safes Are a Smart Choice

    Choosing the right gun safe is a crucial move for anyone who keeps firearms at home. This type of storage will give you a high level of security while keeping your guns safe and allowing you easy access to them. Many people make the mistake of only looking at the size and the strength of…

  • The Best Self-Defense Ammo For Pistols in 2017 (and Beyond)

    The Best Self-Defense Ammo For Pistols in 2017 (and Beyond)

    We spend a lot of time talking about the best pistol to use for self-defense, but a lot less thinking about what ammunition to use in it. This is a shame, because ultimately it is your ammunition that generates the power you need to stop attackers, and that is going to potentially save your life…

  • 5 Best Tactical Knife Edge Grinds For Survival

    5 Best Tactical Knife Edge Grinds For Survival

    Today I would like to talk about the most common tactical knife edge grind types that you are likely to see and encounter when buying a knife. The knife edge grinds types depicted above are the most common on the market today and you are likely to have seen some or most of them and…

  • Seriously, Why Are We Still Having Runs On Water Prior To Hurricanes?

    Seriously, Why Are We Still Having Runs On Water Prior To Hurricanes?

    Recently, due to the onslaught of Hurricane Irma I read an article titled Is Hurricane Irma causing too much panic over water, and other preparedness supplies? Of course, it’s not just water that people rush out to buy at the last minute, people buy batteries, gasoline, and apparently pop tarts to name a few items…

  • Live Near Water But Not Sure Where To Evacuate To? Try This…

    Live Near Water But Not Sure Where To Evacuate To? Try This…

    The recent flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey got me to thinking about flooding where I live because, after all, we live very near the water’s edge along the Puget Sound. And, while we’re likely high enough that any minor flooding wouldn’t be a problem… what if something BIG happened? Where would we go? Well, as…

  • Beginner’s Guide To Concealed Carry: Choosing Your Holster

    Beginner’s Guide To Concealed Carry: Choosing Your Holster

    Once you make the decision to carry a concealed weapon, you should make sure that how you choose to conceal your weapon is both safe and comfortable for you. This means looking at a variety of different types of concealed weapons holsters and making a decision on what type best suits your style and your…

  • EDC Kit: Back To Basics (Guest Post)

    EDC Kit: Back To Basics (Guest Post)

    When becoming involved in survival and prepping, there are many different ways to get started. For instance, some people start by learning about specific survival skills, while others start by buying supplies. Some people buy a few survival tools and learn how to use them, while others just spend time becoming more self-sufficient. There is no…

  • Checked Your Fire Extinguishers Lately? I Haven’t And That Was A Mistake…

    Checked Your Fire Extinguishers Lately? I Haven’t And That Was A Mistake…

    Just the other day I’d decided to check on my smoke alarms and fire extinguishers and while I was at it have my youngest son try to put out a very small (and controlled) fire in our driveway just so he had an opportunity to hold and use a fire extinguisher which I don’t think…