Category: Equipment / Supplies

  • Adapters for Power Tools (to use different brand batteries in what you already own)

    Adapters for Power Tools (to use different brand batteries in what you already own)

    This was a pretty cool find to bring in the new year. And, to be honest, I had no idea these power tool battery adapters even existed. For somewhere around $20-25 each on average–he said they were about $12-18 in the video, although some of the adapters prices vary quite a bit–you can get adapters…

  • Now That Christmas is Over, Let’s Get Back to Your Survivalism…

    I’m sure many folks have become complacent over the holidays, and I don’t blame them. Perhaps I have a bit as well. But now that Christmas is officially over, it’s time to reconsider your preparedness efforts again. With that in mind, have you: Stocked up on Foodstuffs This isn’t just about having more food to…

  • What’s the #1 Urban EDC Gear to Carry?

    What’s the #1 Urban EDC Gear to Carry?

    I was curious to know since I’m always on the lookout for something I may be missing. Is it a knife, flashlight, or maybe a firearm? Or perhaps it’s something more mundane like your keys or wallet? If you had to ask me before watching this video (and he says as much about a minute…

  • Gray Man Packs for EDC

    Gray Man Packs for EDC

    Although I have my own ideas on EDC packs, especially how to make a get home bag, these Vanquest packs would be a good choice if you’re looking for something that doesn’t scream “bug out bag” and which can clearly be used on a daily basis for toting around your EDC gear. Plus, there are…

  • A Prepper’s Guide to Stockpiling Alcohol

    A Prepper’s Guide to Stockpiling Alcohol

    The typical prepper stockpile should include the essentials like food storage, first-aid supplies, and fuel or energy sources – stuff that’ll be hard to find in an end-of-the-world situation. But what about alcohol? While most people might not think of it as a necessity, I would argue that a well-rounded stockpile includes plenty of booze.…

  • Choosing a Survival Axe

    Choosing a Survival Axe

    I’ve never been very into axes, but apparently they’re not all created equally. Who knew? As for me, I’d just stick with the fire starting style of axes because I’m not that into bushcrafting, though it is interesting to see the differences explained so well, especially if you have a specific need like he talks…

  • Disturbing Trends in Survival Gear

    Disturbing Trends in Survival Gear

    Last night I went looking for a new flashlight to keep at my bedside because the one I’d been using for years now is going on the fritz. So, I went to Amazon and typed in “flashlight” to see what I could find and, to my dismay, more and more options were rechargeable. You know,…

  • Vehicle Tools and False Floor

    Vehicle Tools and False Floor

    Last weekend we went to Crater Lake in Oregon–the smoke was still bad so we didn’t see much–and as (my) luck would have it, we had a problem with our van since it wouldn’t start one morning because the positive battery cable came loose. I assume it was never correctly tightened down when installed. In…

  • Power Tools Every Prepper Needs

    Power Tools Every Prepper Needs

    When considering tools, preppers often tend to gravitate towards manual or hand-powered tools due to their ease of use. The number one question that always arises when considering power tools for prepping is, “what if the grid goes down?” While that is a valid question, there may be some events where the grid is still…