Category: Food / Water

  • This is the REAL Beauty of Freeze Dried Foods

    This is the REAL Beauty of Freeze Dried Foods

    If you’re not on-board with freeze-dried foods (no matter who you purchase from) you really need to do so. While there are many great reasons to include them in your food storage, perhaps the BEST reason to include them is that they allow you flexibility when planning and making meals. For instance, my wife wanted…

  • Rainwater Harvesting: Why You Should Do It And How! (Guest Post)

    Rainwater Harvesting: Why You Should Do It And How! (Guest Post)

    Storing water almost always ends up at the top of a prepper’s checklist of essentials during SHTF situations, and understandably so as it is the most important aspect of a person’s survival. Having water in your body could spell the difference between life and death. Always remember that a person can last only three days,…

  • THRIVE Freeze Dried Chopped Spinach

    THRIVE Freeze Dried Chopped Spinach

    My wife decided to make some vegetable quesadillas but didn’t have any frozen spinach and so we choose to use some of our Thrive Freeze Dried Chopped Spinach instead: Here’s what it looks like directly in the can: After a few minutes of rehydration this is what you get: Added to the rest of the…

  • THRIVE Express Garden Fresh Vegetable Pasta

    THRIVE Express Garden Fresh Vegetable Pasta

    This Thrive Express Garden Fresh Vegetable Pasta is a nice entree for a small dinner party, for example. I ended up bringing this dish to my kid’s end-of-season basketball party and it went pretty fast. 🙂 Unlike any of the other Thrive Express meals I’ve revised thus far this particular one seems to have sucked in…

  • Medieval Meat Pies as Survival Food!

    Medieval Meat Pies as Survival Food!

    Sing a song of six-pence, a pocket full of rye Four and twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing. Now wasn’t that a tasty dish to set before the king! This article is about meat pies, most of us know them as the frozen “Pot Pie”.…

  • THRIVE Macaroon Cookies

    THRIVE Macaroon Cookies

    We decided to make a batch of pantry can sized Thrive Macaroon Cookies for Thanksgiving: For some reason the dry batter was quite difficult to get out of the can but once we got it out (my kids helped) this is what it looked like: Yeah, a little clumpy but no big deal. The directions…

  • Meals in a Jar: Hearty Vegetable Soup

    Meals in a Jar: Hearty Vegetable Soup

    This past week we got into one of our delicious meals in a jar recipe, Thrive’s Hearty Vegetable Soup: The ingredients are quite a few and include (note: FD=”freeze dried”): 4 cups water (added to the pot when ready to cook) 2 tsp Chicken Bouillon 1/4 cup Potato Chunks 1/4 Cup Broccoli FD 1/4 cup…

  • THRIVE Express Hearty Chili With Beans

    THRIVE Express Hearty Chili With Beans

    This week I got into Thrive’s Hearty Chili with Beans Express meal which was plenty for two adults or enough to have quite a bit of leftovers: Here’s the backside, though, it’s much easier to see the nutritional facts and ingredients here: Unlike the other Express meals I’ve reviewed which want you to boil water…

  • THRIVE Express Broccoli Cheese Soup

    THRIVE Express Broccoli Cheese Soup

    As you may have noticed there are quite a few Thrive Express meals and side dishes to choose from. This week’s selection is Broccoli Cheese Soup. Here’s the front of the package: Here’s what it looks like before being cooked… yes, not very appetizing, I know: Fortunately, it cooks up much better: The soup tastes pretty good…