Category: Health / Medical / First Aid

  • 20 Common Ailments Post-Disaster (and how to treat them)

    20 Common Ailments Post-Disaster (and how to treat them)

    Below are twenty ailments that might arise during a disaster scenario where access to hospitals or doctors is limited. The treatment plans focus on basic, feasible interventions using common over-the-counter (OTC) medications, home remedies, and simple first-aid techniques. [WARNING: This information is not a substitute for professional medical care but may provide guidance when no…

  • When Home Canned Foods Go Bad

    When Home Canned Foods Go Bad

    I feel like I spend so much energy on showing you how to do things right that to sometimes forget to show when things go wrong. Clearly, it’s crucial to share that knowledge and experience so that others, like you, know what to watch out for. Thus, I’m sharing the following video on a problem…

  • 20 Common Ailments Requiring Antibiotics

    20 Common Ailments Requiring Antibiotics

    Below is a list of 20 common outpatient bacterial infections that frequently require antibiotic treatment. They are presented in approximate order of how often antibiotics are prescribed in an outpatient setting. For each condition, common signs and symptoms, first-line antibiotic choice (with dose and duration), and alternatives (with dose and duration) are provided. Note that…

  • 15 Natural Remedies for Common Ailments

    15 Natural Remedies for Common Ailments

    Having knowledge of natural remedies using common household items can be invaluable for treating minor ailments, especially when times get tough. Although I suspect you already know most of these, it never hurts to have a reminder. Here’s 15 common ailments and ways to treat them at home. Of course, seek appropriate medical care if…

  • Sanitation and Hygiene During Emergencies

    Sanitation and Hygiene During Emergencies

    In times of emergency, maintaining proper sanitation and hygiene can be as critical to your survival as food, water, and shelter. When infrastructure collapses, waste management systems fail, and clean water becomes scarce, knowing how to manage hygiene and sanitation becomes essential to keeping yourself and your family safe from disease and illness. This blog…

  • Online Pharmacy for Preparedness?

    Online Pharmacy for Preparedness?

    I’ve been hearing that sometimes people are having difficulty getting their prescription medications, including antibiotics like amoxicillin, from local pharmacies for one reason or another. I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. The thing is that most preppers only focus on antibiotics as the necessary medications to get your hands on during an…

  • DIY Dental Care: Diet and Hygiene Tips

    DIY Dental Care: Diet and Hygiene Tips

    Going off the grid has its benefits, but there’s no denying it can also present barriers, especially when it comes to easily accessing standard healthcare services. But just because you’re moving somewhere remote or trying to be as off the grid as possible to prepare for emergency situations doesn’t mean you can’t take care of…

  • Is the Next Pandemic Coming? What to Expect and How to Prepare

    Is the Next Pandemic Coming? What to Expect and How to Prepare

    The COVID-19 pandemic proved that the world is vulnerable to contagious diseases despite advancements in medicine and technology. These viruses move quickly from person to person, so a world population of 8 billion will have difficulty stopping the spread of any contagion no matter how we respond as a nation. COVID-19 appears to be fading,…

  • Fish Antibiotics Illegal June 1?

    Fish Antibiotics Illegal June 1?

    This was the first I’d heard about it, but apparently the powers that shouldn’t be are making it illegal to purchase fish antibiotics without a veterinarian prescription coming in June. You can find out more, including how to purchase them now, in the video below. Personally, I’ve purchased fish antibiotics from as recommended by…