Category: Interesting Stuff

  • Inflation Data Red Hot, But No Need to Worry?

    Inflation Data Red Hot, But No Need to Worry?

    This week I’ve been pointing out that egg prices AND gold prices have rise substantially over the past year or two. I suggested that this is a precursor of worse times to come. But I also pointed out that I’m not a financial analyst, so my estimation isn’t necessarily the best one to go by.…

  • Survival Course Update

    Survival Course Update

    There are many interesting aspects to life as I get older, and by “interesting” I mean they mostly suck. One aspect that I’ve found less than ideal is my lack of desire to get things done that I’ve committed to. Whereas I used to “go, go, go” until bedtime, that’s just not the case these…

  • Revamped Survival Course. You Interested?

    Revamped Survival Course. You Interested?

    I’d been racking my brain on another survival book to write. But, to be honest, I’m not coming up with much right now. At least, nothing that’s interesting to me. Then it dawned on me: why not revamp my 5 Minute Survival Blueprint Course? So, that’s what I’m working on. Aside from updating the month-long…

  • Dieting Sucks, But Survival Diets Will Suck More!

    Dieting Sucks, But Survival Diets Will Suck More!

    About a month ago, my wife convinced me that we needed to go on a diet. In part to lose weight, but also to adjust our eating habits away from processed foods and, really, all the yummy stuff. Sadly, as we age, I can tell we need to do better with taking care of ourselves…

  • How to Preserve Your Privacy in the Digital Age

    How to Preserve Your Privacy in the Digital Age

    To be prepared in the digital age, you must first determine how much of an online presence or digital footprint you’d like to leave. A digital footprint is the sum of your traceable online activities across your devices. It’s possible to digitally vanish and live completely off the grid by not using internet applications or…

  • Farewell PNW

    Farewell PNW

    As I sit here on my back deck this morning listening to the birds chirp (some of who like to rise at 4:30 am lately), waiting for everyone get up before we head off back to the Midwest, I reflect on my time here in Western Washington. We’ve spent over seven years in Poulsbo. Over…

  • Can Liberals Survive the Apocalypse?

    Can Liberals Survive the Apocalypse?

    I needed something funny to lighten my mood today, and this was it. Enjoy!

  • 10 Useful Additions to a Survival Shelter You May Not Have Considered

    10 Useful Additions to a Survival Shelter You May Not Have Considered

    In a survival situation, your primary requirements are food, water and shelter. These are the most essential elements of living alone, regardless of the SHTF scenario you find yourself in. Of course, there is something to be said for what you may consider “nonessential” survival concerns. In most cases, you won’t know how long you’ll…

  • Stop Wasting Your Firewood Ash

    Stop Wasting Your Firewood Ash

    Truth be told, I’ve always just dumped my ash behind our garage once it’s cooled. Looks like I should be using it around the house more. Here’s several ways to make use of firewood ash if you’ve been discarding it like I have. FYI, I’ve started the video about five minutes in to get to…