Category: Skills / Knowledge
How to Get Your Child Involved in Prepping
Prepping can be a great way to bond with your child, especially if it’s something you are passionate about. It’s also an excellent way to teach them real-life skills that can help them become more dependent and self-sufficient as they get older. And, of course, prepping with your children is also important should a genuine…
How to Deescalate a Situation With Unexploded Ordnance
You never know what you might come across in the future. Active explosives probably aren’t something you think you’ll ever encounter in your everyday life, but this is a reality for some people. You need to know how to stay safe if you ever discover unexploded ordnance (UXO). UXO may be more common than you…
Bedsheets, Silicone, and Naptha: Better Waterproofing Than Tarps?
This is a neat DIY idea, and if you have something you want to waterproof that might be difficult, like a backpack or pair of boots, try this!
Where Should Preppers Invest Money in 2022?
A lot of thought goes into preparing for the worst, from how much food and water you’ll need to survive, to how you’ll store everything and what you need to do if staying home isn’t an option and you need to evacuate. One thing that a lot of preppers might not fully consider is the…
9 Winter Weather SHTF Scenarios and How to Survive Them
Winter weather is no joke. The beautiful parts of winter sometimes eclipse the scary ones, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare for any potential damage that may head your way this season. You should be well aware of these winter SHTF scenarios so you know what to do in case of an emergency. Taking…
Do This While You Still Can
I firmly believe things are going to get real bad over the next several months to few years. And, as much as I would prefer to stick it out at home, you have to be ready to bug out as well. As the video below discusses, you might not be able to carry everything you…
This Day Started My Journey Twenty Years Ago
Can you believe it’s been twenty years since 9/11? It really does feel like just yesterday when I was standing in the break room where I worked watching the news and all that unfolded. I was relatively fresh out of college, recently married, and somehow naïve about the terrors of the world. Perhaps my parents…
How to Never Get a Serious Poison Ivy Rash Again
I wish I knew this about twenty years ago. Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with the soap you use, but everything to do with friction…
Parabolic Mirror Solar Cooking
Makes me want to do solar cooking again…and to have a grilled cheese sandwich, lol. Just be careful where you aim that mirror because it could start a fire!