Category: Skills / Knowledge
13 Exercises to Strengthen Your Mental Fortitude for Survival
Have you ever wondered how some people become billionaires while others slave away at a 9-to-5 job their entire lives? While opportunity may have something to do with their achievement, success stories like Jeff Bezos and Jack Ma aren’t merely the result of smarts, physical strength or leadership potential. Rather, these people used perseverance, grit…
14 Common Misconceptions About Preppers
Perhaps you have seen the National Geographic series Doomsday Preppers and think preppers are insane. I hope not. Unfortunately, that show makes fun of people like us, but there are many good things you can glean from such shows if you can get past the misconceptions. With that in mind, the following are some stereotypes…
6 Egg Preservation Techniques
Many years ago, I tested how well mineral oil did with preserving unrefrigerated eggs and, to my surprise, it worked surprisingly well. In fact, even untreated, unrefrigerated eggs lasted for weeks before going bad. (But I tested them each week in a glass of water to be sure.) In the following video, he discusses how…
How to Find Water in the Wilderness: Essential Survival Strategies
Unless you happen to get lost in the Land of 1,000 Lakes, one of the biggest problems in surviving in the wild is finding water. The other big resource that has to be found is firewood, which may or may not be a problem, depending on where you are. But water is an issue just…
10 Ways to Live Without Refrigeration
He’s makes a point that most of us in the modern world feel like we can’t live without a refrigerator, but it wasn’t so long ago when that’s the way the world did things. And, while I don’t necessarily agree that all of his ten suggestions are the easiest to accomplish, they’ll certainly give you…
Simple 10′ x 12′ Off Grid Cabin Build
Are you feeling like you need to have an place to get away from it all if things get worse? If so, consider building your own off grid cabin. This one is a multi-part series and well worth the watch if you’re interested in the entire process as I was. And if you want to…
I’m in my 60’s, Disabled, And New to Prepping. What Should I Do?
I got this email the other day from one of my readers asking my advice about what he can do to get better prepared since they’re getting older and have some health problems. As always, I answered and I figured my answer may help others, so I’m posting it here. FYI, I was given permission…
13 Survival Acronyms to Jumpstart Your Preparedness
You can find a more complete list of survival acronyms here, but these are the basics I would focus on to get your preparedness in order right from the start. I know there are plenty more that I could’ve chosen to include here, but if you focus on these you’re going to be tending to…
How to Be Ready for the Most Common Survival Scenarios
In the developed world, food, water and shelter are readily available — for a fee, of course. But what do you do if these necessities vanish? If your only survival skills come from the “Call of Duty” and “Walking Dead” franchises, you might be in for a nasty surprise. What do you need to know,…