Category: Skills / Knowledge

  • How to Use a Flashlight to Signal for Help

    How to Use a Flashlight to Signal for Help

    Imagine this: Your perfect day out in the backcountry was filled with beautiful landscape views, a couple of critter sightings, and a picture-perfect little lunch spot overlooking the valley below. Things were gearing up to be one for the books, but as you start to make your descent down the mountain and to the safety…

  • Immune Boosting DIY Elderberry Syrup

    Immune Boosting DIY Elderberry Syrup

    Although I didn’t use the specific brand in the video–we purchase ours locally–I made my own elderberry syrup in a very similar fashion for the first time just the other day. It’s really easy to do, just boil the berries in water for 30-45 minutes, strain, add honey, and store in the refrigerator. And, although…

  • No Knot Tarp Setup

    No Knot Tarp Setup

    I may never tie a knot again, lol. Gotta love simple DIY tricks like this, especially when they make setup easier…

  • Bugging In – 25 Things NOT To Do

    Bugging In – 25 Things NOT To Do

    So we’re all concerned about bugging out these days, and we should be to an extent, but it’s almost always more likely that you’re going to be bugging in first or, at the very least, preferring to bug in. With that in mind, you really do need to keep your safety at the forefront of…

  • 7 DIY Survival Traps to Know

    7 DIY Survival Traps to Know

    Animal trapping includes the use of devices to capture animals for various purposes like food, fur trade, hunting, pest control, and wildlife management. But, most importantly, animal trapping is an essential part of survival in the wild. In a survival situation, one burns calories very quickly, and physically chasing your food is not always the…

  • DIY Fireproofing Material

    DIY Fireproofing Material

    I’d heard about similar DIY fireproof “inventions” elsewhere but I’ve never seen anyone try to make one before, especially something so easy. Made from nothing more than flour, baking soda, corn starch, powdered sugar, and water, it’s quite an interesting idea. Substituting borax for baking soda appears to have some additional benefits, including being mold…

  • Will My Water Filter Remove THAT?

    Will My Water Filter Remove THAT?

    When we first moved to the Seattle area more than six years ago now, one of the first items I purchased was a Royal Berkey Water Filter and I’m so glad that I did. Although I’ve had other filters that I kept for survival purposes, I never bothered to get a really good gravity filter…

  • A Wealth of Survival Supplies Post-Apocalypse

    A Wealth of Survival Supplies Post-Apocalypse

    I’ll let you in on a major character flaw of mine: I’m a horrible “outside of the box” thinker. If solution A doesn’t fix problem B then I’m usually in trouble. I think that’s why I’m so fascinated with DIY projects and why I truly enjoy watching YouTube videos on anything survival-related, especially in a…

  • DIY Washing Machine Water Wheel Generator

    DIY Washing Machine Water Wheel Generator

    If only I had half of the know-how some of these folks have, nobody would ever see me again, lol. Plus, it never hurts to have a nice stream of continuously running water coupled with a lengthy incline to make a DIY power generator like this one either. Also, in the video he talks about…