Category: Skills / Knowledge
Nighttime Handgun Self-Defense: 4 Problems and Solutions
You know what I’ve never done? I’ve never attempted to shoot a firearm in the dark or even very low-light conditions. I’ve always taken my guns to a range during the daytime, though, I have shot elsewhere (such as on a friend’s land) some time ago, again, during the day. The other night, however, I…
Urban Survival Tips
While no one wants to think about what they would do if the world ended, it’s one of those things you want to be ready for — whether it happens or not. Whether you survive in an SHTF situation will depend on several factors, like how well you’ve prepared, whether you’ve taken the time to…
Why Is One Knot Better Than Another? Science Explains…
Perhaps you instinctively know that a square knot is stronger than a granny knot, but why? Like this article points out, they’re almost identical when finished, so one would assume that they would also equal in strength, but that’s not true as generations of actual use indicates. Interestingly, researchers have figured out that by using…
How to Cook With Solar Panels and a 12-volt Frying Pan
If you’ve already got a solar panel or two–he used two 100-watt panels–and you can get a portable frying pan (similar to this one) or, better yet, a portable saucepan, you can cook without grid power so long as there’s enough sunlight to push several amps… even directly connected to the frying pan or saucepan!…
How to Survive the First 2 Months of SHTF
Could you survive months after a catastrophic event, such as a complete grid-down collapse? Most people think they could, invoking daydreams of Mad Max scenarios, but odds are that they’re not even close to being ready for anything close! Even most preppers might not be ready, are you? After all, there will be no power…
Are Throwing Knives Useful for Survival?
The short answer: not even close! But we had fun throwing them. You see, a few months ago my younger son convinced me to buy a set of these Smith & Wesson 8″ Stainless Steel Throwing Knives which, after reading various reviews of these and other knife sets, seemed to be one of the better…
Tactical Driving Techniques for SHTF
I haven’t really thought much about tactical driving techniques for SHTF scenarios, but I found the advice in the following video interesting enough to watch it all as I could imagine possibly needing to know these techniques at some point. In the video a pro driver demonstrates how to perform several different maneuvers, including J-turns…
DIY Rain Roof Build: Rainwater Harvesting for Survival, Gardening
If you live anywhere with a bit of open space (even your own backyard) you could use this idea to collect a lot of water in a short period of time. Coupled with large collection containers, such as the IBC totes he uses, you might not even realize the grid is down, lol. Plus, the…
Winter Boot Hack (to avoid slips and falls on ice)
Winter is coming and that means icy roadways and driveways, both of which could wind you up in the hospital if you’re not careful. Worse, if it’s SHTF and there are NO doctors to help then you could be out of luck for weeks or longer. Don’t let that happen to you! Here’s a nifty…