Category: Warmth / Shelter / Cooling

  • The Mors Kochanski Super Shelter

    The Mors Kochanski Super Shelter

    Here’s Mors himself discussing his “super shelter” design (based off the igloo) for wilderness survival. Inside the video he shows you a few different shelter, including one really BIG one! You can get the book he recommends, The Two Kilogram Survival Kit Field Manual, to explain the idea even more, if you like…

  • 99% Don’t Have This ONE Survival Item In Their Vehicles

    99% Don’t Have This ONE Survival Item In Their Vehicles

    He’s right, I don’t have this in my car… but I will very soon!

  • Passive Solar Heating Panels

    Passive Solar Heating Panels

    This article on the Zen of Passive Solar Heating Panel Design is a neat write-up on how to make walls that can be used to gather the power of the sun to heat your home or, in this case, a workshop. The author clearly took this project very seriously, going so far as to angle…

  • DIY Humidifier Air Cooler for the Coming Summer (Can Be Solar Powered)

    DIY Humidifier Air Cooler for the Coming Summer (Can Be Solar Powered)

    This guy has made so many DIY coolers and whatnot that I can’t keep track anymore, lol. That said, I do like that it’s highly portable and able to be easily run off solar power too…

  • DIY Chimney Sweep – Gardus Sooteater Rotary Chimney Cleaning System Review

    DIY Chimney Sweep – Gardus Sooteater Rotary Chimney Cleaning System Review

    Recently, I’ve been wanting to clean my own fireplace flue rather than having to pay somebody to do it. And, yes, I know there’s something to be said for having a qualified chimney sweep inspect it once a year, which I still plan to do, but for peace of mind until then I figured it…

  • Prepping Your Wardrobe for Survival

    Prepping Your Wardrobe for Survival

    Let’s play a game! When I say “prepping,” what is the first thing that comes to your mind? What about “survival?” My guess is that most of you immediately thought of food, water, or other survival gear. And those are great answers.  We can’t live long without food and water. But if you had an…

  • Going Off Grid This Winter? Don’t Miss These 8 Pro Tips How To Survive Your First Cold Weather Camping Trip

    Going Off Grid This Winter? Don’t Miss These 8 Pro Tips How To Survive Your First Cold Weather Camping Trip

    Are you planning a trip into the tundra this winter? Do you love the allure cold-weather camping — a crackling fire, snuggling in a sleeping bag, roasting marshmallows? Do you worry about weather you’ll be equipped well for surviving a winter camping trip? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you certainly…

  • Inflatable, Reusable Sandbag?

    Inflatable, Reusable Sandbag?

    Ok, inflatable might be the wrong word to describe this sandbag as inflation implies air is involved, but it is certainly different than the traditional “fill your own” sandbags we’ve all come to despise, lol. Anyway, I just recently ran into this which perked my interest as it’s apparently a sandbag that actually swells…

  • 49 Sq Ft Bug Out Retreat?

    What do you think about a tiny little house like this as a bug out retreat? This sure takes the idea of only needing a “roof over your head” to a new level, lol. Plus it seems like he hasn’t quite thought this out completely, though I do like the eventual idea of the add-on…