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DIY Ceiling Fan Wind Turbine

When I first saw the title of the first video, I half expected this guy to merely turn a ceiling fan on its side and let ‘er rip, but the idea is quite a bit more complicated than that as you might expect. And, yes, there are seven total videos for this DIY project below. But don’t get dissuaded as you can easily fast forward through them and still get the idea. In fact, I skipped most of videos five and six because they detail the frame which didn’t interest me at the moment.

Anyway, I was doing pretty good following him until about the third video when he started gluing a bunch of magnets along the circumference which, to be honest, is a bit more than I expected. He begins discussing the blades midway through part four, which he cut from 4″ PVC using a template he found online (there are plenty of options online). Eventually, he gets to the good part in video seven showing the DIY wind turbine in action.

Truth be told, this is far more work than it’s worth. Unless you have no other choice but to makeshift such a contraption, do yourself a favor: Buy the right equipment now. It will work better and you’ll be far happier knowing that it was money well spent. I did, however, want to highlight this concept so you have an idea of what’s possible given the proper knowledge. Now, grab your popcorn, settle in, and enjoy a DIY survival project we both hope you’ll never need to do…

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