Do you have a generator but are worried that it will be too loud? Either because you just don’t want the noise or because it might attract two-legged critters? Then build yourself a generator box!
Although I’m not a huge fan of generators, I do realize they have their uses when the power goes out. I also recognize that some people swear by them for preparedness purposes, so it’s best to consider OPSEC whenever possible.
I’ve never build such a box. And while I want to say that Kris, the guy who made the video below, went overboard, he really didn’t. To reduce noise levels substantially you really do need to consider all possibilities for noise escape. The problem, however, is that you’ve essentially trapped an engine inside a relatively small box which poses its own problems, including a lack of ventilation and large amounts of heat generation inside the box.
Kris goes to great lengths to deal with both of the problems. And if you choose to do something similar, take your time to do it right. Test your design after you’re finished and looks for ways to improve on it. I would also suggest reading some of the comments for the video on YouTube as some folks suggest that even this DIY generator box build might not be ideal for the long-term viability of the generator due to heat build-up inside the box. Overall, though, I’d say it will work quite well for short-term SHTF scenarios.
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