I’ve never tried to dig a well myself nor have I ever tried dowsing rods, but this guy apparently swears by them. The first several minutes of the video is him finding the best place to dig, while the rest is him digging the well and installing the piping and pump. It’s a pretty neat process to watch straight through…

How to Find and Dig a Shallow Well From Start to Finish
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2 responses to “How to Find and Dig a Shallow Well From Start to Finish”
This was really neat to watch. I do have a question, tho. Since the foot valve keeps water in the pipe all the time, how do you keep it from freezing up in the winter time? Thanks for sharing this very interesting/informative video!
You’d have to ask the guy who made the video that, but I’d guess he drains the pipe before winter hits… or he’s ok with it freezing.
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