How to Shower, Bathe, Drink, Potty, and More Without Running Water

The lady in the video below is right: we Americans just don’t realize how taken for granted water is in our modern society. If I remember correctly, the average American household uses a few hundred gallons of water daily. That may not sound like much, but that adds up to several thousand gallons of water a month. I don’t know about you, but storing that much potable water would be difficult, even as a prepper.

The sad part is that we use a lot of clean water for things that certainly don’t need it to be clean, such as flushing the toilet, watering the lawn, and washing the car. And, of course, we waste plenty of water doing things like washing our hands, brushing teeth, showering, and even shaving.

Relative to how useful (and necessary) water is to everything in life, municipal water is both cheap and plentiful. It’s only when something happens, like a natural disaster or boil water order, that you’ll even consider this crucial fact.

The following video shows how these folks live off-grid without access to a steady supply of running water. They employ a variety of tactics, including rainwater collection, getting water from a nearby spring, cheating a little by getting water from a nearby park (which I assume is municipal water), among other solutions. And, as you might suspect, they store clean water for a just in case scenarios.

She then discusses their outdoor shower setup, composting toilet (and the goodies that go with it), washing dishes, and more. It’s a good video to watch if you want to consider what’s possible when water is scarce…


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


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