I realized a few weeks back that I haven’t done a promotion on any of my books in a long time, probably since last year. So, I figured that I my bug out bag book would be a good candidate considering all the craziness going on out there lately, from wildfires to riots and who knows what’s coming next.
The book is discounted to a whopping $0.99 (down from $4.99) now through Sunday evening, so if you’re interested then I would encourage you to grab the Kindle version for a great price while you still can because Monday is too late.
Broken down into four fundamental tiers of gear and supplies, you’ll discover exactly how to assemble a survival pack to rely upon when you need it most with these 53 essential items guaranteed to help you survive whatever disaster comes your way. Plus, this second edition has been updated with new gear as well as chapters on evacuation planning to ensure you make it out safely.
[FYI: This countdown deal expired on 10/4/20, but you can still purchase the book at regular price on Amazon using the link below, thanks.]

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