Helping Children Cope After Disaster
Disasters, whether natural or man-made, can have a profound impact on everyone involved, especially children. Unlike adults, children often lack the coping mechanisms and emotional maturity needed to process traumatic events effectively. As a result, they may experience a range of emotional and psychological challenges that can affect their well-being long after the immediate danger…
Freeze-Dried Cherry Tomatoes
I’m surprised that I haven’t yet freeze-dried tomatoes from our garden. The last time I did this, it seems I purchased them from the store. Well, now that we have tomatoes in our garden and, worse, we didn’t sell very many at our local Farmer’s Market, my wife encouraged me to freeze-dry them. I started…
7 DIY Home Repairs After an Emergency
Being prepared to handle basic home repairs yourself can make a big difference in ensuring your family’s safety and comfort after a disaster strikes. This blog post will cover the most likely types of disasters that could cause damage to your home, repairs you can handle yourself, when to call a professional, essential tools you…
“Sorry, Cash Only!”
I assume by now that you’ve heard about the software update from Crowdstrike that nearly caused a global computer meltdown for all Microsoft platforms? Alright, I might be overstating that a bit, and I’m sure there are details I’m fully unaware of, but it sort of felt like a big deal, especially when I was…
Freeze-Dried Lunchbox Peppers
I know I haven’t posted in quite a while about my freeze-drying adventures. It’s not that I haven’t been freeze-drying food, but that I haven’t found anything new or interesting to share … until today. At least, my wife suggested I freeze-dry some of our lunchbox peppers we’ve been growing in the garden: Now, I…
8 Critical Summer Challenges for Off-Grid Preppers
Living off-grid is a dream for many preppers, but summer brings unique challenges that demand attention. From the threat of cabin fires to composting toilet issues, taking swift action is crucial. Here are eight challenges off-grid preppers face during the summer months. We’ll explore actionable solutions to keep your homestead safe and comfortable. 1. How…
Bugging-In Safely: How to Deal with Strangers Approaching Your Home
In the prepping community, most preppers talk about the ability to bug out, or evacuate, ASAP. They act like the ability to bug out is key to your survival, as if the alternative (staying put or bugging in) is inherently bad. I disagree. Sure, there are times when evacuation is necessary, even if a natural…
3 Knots You Should Know as a Prepper
Everyone has their opinion on which knots are the most useful, and I’m sure I do as well. This video discusses three—bowline, straight lash, and trucker’s hitch—that he believes are the most useful for every outdoorsman. Would you agree? More importantly, I suggest having a quality reference of knots in your home library as well…
How to: Solo Camping as a Prepper
You’re not just another camper; you’re a prepper ready to tackle the toughest challenges nature throws your way. But even the most seasoned preppers need reliable advice to navigate the wilderness successfully. Whether you’re prepping for your first camping trip or refining your survival skills, this article is packed with actionable tips that will transform…