• Escape and Evasion Tactics, Urban Survival Techniques

    Escape and Evasion Tactics, Urban Survival Techniques

    There are three videos below. The first is nearly an hour long, and the other two are about a half hour each. I know that’s a lot of time to invest in a single day, but I strongly encourage you to take the time (maybe bookmark this post) and watch them through at some point.…

  • How to Survive the 7 Most Dangerous Extreme Weather Events

    How to Survive the 7 Most Dangerous Extreme Weather Events

    Extreme weather events are some of the most destructive forces on Earth. They can wipe out entire communities in minutes and cause billions of dollars in damage. Advancements in weather forecasting technology have allowed people to anticipate these disasters before they strike, but they can still be deadly even with prior preparation. Here’s how preppers…

  • Better Body Armor and a CCW Option

    Better Body Armor and a CCW Option

    I’ve been looking into body armor again. It’s been a long time since I’ve purchased anything, and it appears that things have come a long way from heavy steel plates and uncomfortable carriers. While ceramic plates were an option back then, they were expensive. Not anymore, because at RMA Defense, you can get 10″x12″ ceramic…

  • The First 90 Days After Collapse

    The First 90 Days After Collapse

    I’ve been warning of societal collapse of sort for years; I even wrote a book about it if you’d like my thoughts on surviving the coming catastrophe. But I recognize not everyone has the time to read, so here’s a good video by City Prepping discussing what to expect and how to survive what’s coming:

  • 9 Ways to Guard Against Blind Spots in Your Security System

    9 Ways to Guard Against Blind Spots in Your Security System

    Your home is a fortress for you and your family during good times and bad. A solid security system can help prevent intruders from entering your property and give you time to escape if there’s a breach. But blind spots can allow trespassers in, so focusing on potential vulnerabilities can help you to stay safe.…

  • Freeze-Dried Greens

    Freeze-Dried Greens

    It’s been about two months since I’d freeze-dried anything at all. My how new toys fall by the wayside, eh? But, today I decided to give it a go again, this time choosing to freeze-dry some of the Swiss Chard that grows like a weed in our greenhouse and grow beds: But, those plants still…

  • What Preppers Should Know About Their Home Electrical System

    What Preppers Should Know About Their Home Electrical System

    Electrical systems are integral to everyday life. They power your appliances, heat and cool your home, and keep the lights on. Most homes receive electricity from a centralized grid, whereas some preppers stay off it and produce power for themselves. Regardless, knowing what to do when something goes wrong is essential whether your power is…

  • This Video Gives Me Hope for the Future

    This Video Gives Me Hope for the Future

    I usually watch The Poplar Report videos with some apprehension. It’s not that his videos are bad, not at all. Rather, they’re quite informative and well thought out, often talking about coming concerns before anyone else. For that, I’m grateful. And when I started to watch this one, titled “Can You Still Thrive in the…

  • How to Preserve Your Privacy in the Digital Age

    How to Preserve Your Privacy in the Digital Age

    To be prepared in the digital age, you must first determine how much of an online presence or digital footprint you’d like to leave. A digital footprint is the sum of your traceable online activities across your devices. It’s possible to digitally vanish and live completely off the grid by not using internet applications or…