Cooking Without Power
The flicker of a dying light bulb. The hum of the refrigerator grinding to a halt. The sudden plunge into darkness confirms it – a power outage. While the inconvenience of a dark living room is easily manageable, the question of food quickly becomes a concern. Don’t worry, even without electricity, you can still create…
Meat Preservation, No Refrigeration – Only One Ingredient
Salt. It’s salt. Here’s how to use it so meat lasts nearly forever…
Smartphone Survival Apps Book Updated. Want an Early Copy?
Last week, I decided to update my smartphone apps book. I was surprised it was older than I remember (I wrote it back in 2017) which means that, relative to my many other survival books, this one was due for an update! After all, smartphone apps change all the time. Long story short, rather than…
How to Cast a Stove From a Paint Bucket
I thought I would post something fun today because the past month hasn’t been very good personally. Anyway, for those who’ve been around a while, you’d know that I really enjoy DIY projects, and today is a wonderful example of creativity meshed with ingenuity. Although there are no verbal instructions, the video is easy enough…
How to Protect Your Homestead Against Flooding
Experienced preppers, off-gridders and homesteaders want to protect their hard work, crops, livestock, and other possessions. Torrential storms and unexpected severe weather are becoming more common, so flood preparation should be on the priority list regardless of location. The process involves physical, mental and practical steps, but it starts with a foundational awareness of where…
Fire, Clothing, Shelter
I know we’re moving away from cold weather in the northern hemisphere, but I recently watched a video that briefly mentioned the primary reasons we humans could expand away from warmer climates near the equator to virtually everywhere else. Their reasons were simple: fire, clothing, and shelter. Sure, there was a lot more to our…
How Important is Landscaping When Living Off the Grid?
Planning to live off-grid produces countless ideas for gardening, food storage and renewable energy. With sustainable living becoming more popular, the amount of information about what people should and should not do is bountiful. One potentially overlooked aspect is landscaping, which directly supports many homestead operations. Discover the potential behind expert landscaping and how it…
Conditions for Success in Prepping
I’ve long stated that preparedness is a lot like having insurance: you carry insurance just in case you need yet hope you never do. As a personal example, last September we had a massive hail storm roll through our neighborhood. It totaled our vehicles, and did significant damage to our house (we needed new rooftop…
Everything You Need to Know About Protecting Your Homestead from Theft
It is easy to settle into the creature comforts of your homestead, especially after spending countless hours curating the land and its resources for ultimate productivity and ecological balance. However, off-gridders and homesteaders are not immune to theft, no matter how far off the beaten path. These strategies keep your hard work safe. Understanding the…