• DIY Dental Care: Diet and Hygiene Tips

    DIY Dental Care: Diet and Hygiene Tips

    Going off the grid has its benefits, but there’s no denying it can also present barriers, especially when it comes to easily accessing standard healthcare services. But just because you’re moving somewhere remote or trying to be as off the grid as possible to prepare for emergency situations doesn’t mean you can’t take care of…

  • Freeze Drying Updates: 1 Year Later

    Freeze Drying Updates: 1 Year Later

    I know I haven’t been posting much lately, and that includes freeze-dryer posts, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been using the Harvest Right. Rather, I’ve done two more batches of tomatoes since my last post: I started with at least twenty-five pounds of cut, chunky tomatoes as shown above and got it down to…

  • Homestead Success: 20 Steps for Summer and Fall

    Homestead Success: 20 Steps for Summer and Fall

    When would you rather clean out the gutters and trim your overgrown trees — on a warm day or in the dead of winter? Summer and fall are the perfect times to work outside, or take care of minor indoor projects that could become bigger issues during a freeze. When you curl up by a…

  • Is Smart Technology Making Your Home Less Secure?

    Is Smart Technology Making Your Home Less Secure?

    Life becomes easier and safer as technology evolves — at least, that’s the idea. These days, you have no shortage of gadgets to make your house safer and more secure. If a disaster scenario arises, technology can be the difference between life and death. Giving yourself and your family the best chance possible to survive…

  • Easy Smartphone Charging Hack

    Easy Smartphone Charging Hack

    I’ve never seen this survival hack before, but it’s always worth discovering what might be possible. Personally, this is one more good reason why I (almost) always charge my phone every night no matter what, and why I charge my phone whenever it hits 50% state of discharge, though often well before then. That said,…

  • How to Identify (and Avoid) Scammers Who Prey on Preppers

    How to Identify (and Avoid) Scammers Who Prey on Preppers

    Scams have been around for centuries and have evolved with the times. Many modern deceptions are tech-based, with thieves worldwide extorting innocent people from their phones and computers. Unfortunately, these scams are all too prevalent in survivalist circles. You can encounter numerous scams daily, whether checking email at work, scrolling through social media or answering…

  • Living in an Old Homestead: 20 Tips for Updating While Preserving Its History

    Living in an Old Homestead: 20 Tips for Updating While Preserving Its History

    Crystal doorknobs, sleeping porches and laundry chutes — old houses have plenty of character. Countless stories have been told under your homestead’s roof, and they leave echoes in the floral wallpaper and hardwood floors. Now the home is yours. How can you renovate your house while still preserving its rich history? [Editor’s note: I can…

  • Freeze-Dried Beets

    Freeze-Dried Beets

    Yup. You read the title right; I freeze-dried beets this week. Look, it wasn’t my first choice…or my tenth choice, but my wife though we needed some freeze-dried beets to use over the winter for our veggie smoothies. And since I didn’t have anything better to freeze-dry (the tomatoes and most other vegetables aren’t quite…

  • 7 Survival and Preparedness Strategies for the Golden Years

    7 Survival and Preparedness Strategies for the Golden Years

    Being prepared for the future is essential at any age. Even if you’ve spent years as a prepper, your strategy doesn’t end when you reach your golden years. In fact, you might need to make some changes to adapt to your mental and physical needs as you age. Tailoring your preparedness strategies specifically for aging…