An Unexpected Benefit to Stockpiling
Months ago, when there was the huge problem with eye drops causing horrible infections, I started to pay attention to the eye drops I use. Eventually, I found this website that’s been quite helpful in keeping track. At some point, I downloaded a food recall app to my phone (here’s the iPhone version), which if…
The 6 Most Profitable Animals for Small Farms
The most profitable livestock for small farms are those you can easily take care of and provide multiple income sources. Whether you’re a hobby farmer or homesteader, these animals will allow you to create a steady cash flow with constant effort and a little knowledge. Chickens Raising chickens is a great way to start any…
GMRS Repeater for SHTF
As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I’m still trying to understand communication options for STHF or general preparedness purposes. Apparently, it can get quite complicated and some people, believe it or not, spend their lives knee-deep in the nuances. 🙂 While I still consider myself a newbie when it comes to HAM, GMRS, and so on, I…
DIY Urban Get Home Bag
I know many of us preppers focus on bug out bags, SHTF scenarios, and whatnot, but disasters of all kinds–even smaller, localized ones–happen, too. In fact, they’re far more likely than any major catastrophe. With that in mind, your ability to get home, to where most of your supplies are–not to mention your family, pets,…
DIY Generator Box – 10x Quieter
Do you have a generator but are worried that it will be too loud? Either because you just don’t want the noise or because it might attract two-legged critters? Then build yourself a generator box! Although I’m not a huge fan of generators, I do realize they have their uses when the power goes out.…
Should You Buy New or Used Equipment for Your Homestead? 10 Tips
Those longing to live off-grid or prepare for the next prominent natural disaster must develop their homestead faster than unexpected circumstances occur. Countless instances could make preppers decide whether to buy new or used equipment. These tips weigh the viewpoint from myriad lifestyle choices, machinery types and personal objectives. Where should homesteaders begin when pondering…
Super Disappointed! Power Bank Lies?
I possess more than a few character flaws, one of which is that I’m a rather trusting person. That is, I tend to believe what I’m told until I find out I’ve been lied to or I realize that the facts have been grossly misrepresented. Then I’ll never trust that person or source again or,…
Long Range Shooting Gear Considerations for Survival Situations
When it comes down to your survival, the ability to target objects and enemies from a distance can easily determine your success or failure. When facing such situations where being prepared at all times is crucial, long-range shooting gear becomes an invaluable ally. But as a newbie to the world of firearms, how do you…
Extinguish Chimney Fires in 22 Seconds
I know it’s a bit late in the wood-burning season, but I recently came across this video that discusses a way to extinguish chimney fires very quickly. It does so using Chimfex. It’s a CSIA approved chimney fire extinguisher, and looks an awful lot like a large road flare. Anyway, I’d never hear of it,…