• How to Prepare for Living Off the Grid in Winter

    How to Prepare for Living Off the Grid in Winter

    Climate change means summers are getting hotter, but that isn’t the only impact. On the opposite side of that coin, winters are getting colder and harsher. Even in urban centers, surviving these extreme conditions isn’t always easy. The Texas winter storm of 2021 claimed 246 lives, though some estimates put the number at close to…

  • Freeze-Dried Skittles, M&Ms

    Freeze-Dried Skittles, M&Ms

    Even though I’ve been having trouble with our septic–and with getting someone out to fix it–I still wanted to freeze-dry something, so while I was at Sam’s Club (getting more bus boy bins to wash dishes during the apocalypse), I figured I would try freeze-drying candy. Although there were many options with it being so…

  • Pooping in a Bucket, and Other Problems

    Pooping in a Bucket, and Other Problems

    This week has been less than fun. Aside from wondering whether my mother survived Hurricane Ian in Florida (she did) with her having limited to no cell service and no power for days, our septic system decided to malfunction, which became apparent when sewage began to backup into our showers. Yuk! I haven’t been able…

  • Disaster Preparedness When Living With Chronic Pain

    Disaster Preparedness When Living With Chronic Pain

    Though our world has certainly seen its fair share of natural disasters in recent years, it seems like wildfires, tornadoes, and hurricanes are happening more frequently. Knowing that there’s a potential for disaster is one thing, but taking the time to make the proper preparations and have a plan of action to ensure your safety…

  • Freeze-Dried Tomatoes, Peppers

    Freeze-Dried Tomatoes, Peppers

    My wife’s friend gave her four pounds of tomatoes last week, so I decided I would freeze-dry them because my wife didn’t have any use for them: As usual, I had no idea as to how many slices I was going to get out of them, but after some rearranging, I got about three trays…

  • New Survival Book: Sold Out Forever

    New Survival Book: Sold Out Forever

    Last week I released a new survival book on Amazon, Sold Out Forever: 101 Items to Grab Before the U.S. Dollar Crashes. It’s about, as you might have guessed, everything I believe people like you and I should purchase before hard times hit. If I haven’t made my views clear already, I firmly believe that…

  • 8 Considerations for Long-Term Camping

    8 Considerations for Long-Term Camping

    When most people think of camping, they picture pitching a tent for a weekend and heading back home after a few days. Short-term camping is a great way to get out into the wilderness and away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life for a few days, but what if you don’t have the…

  • Freeze-Dried Pineapple

    Freeze-Dried Pineapple

    This week, I chose to try pineapple. So, I stopped by my local Sam’s Club and purchased a box of five large pineapples for $14.20: As with the bananas and applies I freeze-dried in previous weeks, preparation took longer than I’d hoped for, but mostly because I spent more time cutting larger chunks into smaller…

  • How to Pick Contractors for Your Homestead

    How to Pick Contractors for Your Homestead

    There are plenty of benefits of living in a bustling city — employment opportunities, restaurants and entertainment, shopping, meeting people and high-quality amenities are only a few worth mentioning. Yet, many city dwellers dream of trading it all in for simpler living somewhere off the beaten path. That’s why more people opt out of their…