• Buckets of Garden Vegetables

    Buckets of Garden Vegetables

    I’m happy today. You know why? Because even given the relentless heat (in the high nineties or higher), and regardless of the lack of rain, and despite the many bugs trying their best to destroy our vegetable garden, we’re still able to harvest a wide variety of tasty, healthy, nutritious vegetables. We got loads of…

  • How to Rapidly Improve Your Skills at the Shooting Range

    How to Rapidly Improve Your Skills at the Shooting Range

    Whether you keep firearms for home protection, self-defense, hunting, or some combination of the three, a gun is only as useful as the person wielding it. All the guns in the world won’t keep you safe or your family fed in a survival situation if you can’t hit the target you’re aiming at. Improving your…

  • Taking Proper Care of Your Food Storage Systems

    Taking Proper Care of Your Food Storage Systems

    When it comes to prepping for emergencies, your food resources and storage systems should be at the top of your priority list. Not only do you need to choose the right foods and supplies, but you also need to build your food systems in the right places and keep them well-organized, maintained, and protected. This…

  • America’s Economy is Collapsing… Please Prepare Now!

    America’s Economy is Collapsing… Please Prepare Now!

    I couldn’t agree more with the following video assessment. We’re being lied to, and the sad fact is that most people still aren’t paying enough attention. Stop screwing around. It’s time to prepare now or you’ll be left behind…

  • What Unique Challenges Do Older Survivalists Face?

    What Unique Challenges Do Older Survivalists Face?

    Before WWII, most Americans had practical skills like sewing, gardening, home repair and hunting. However, over the last fifty to one hundred years, society has changed dramatically. Older survivalists have seen this change unfold before their very eyes. Today, many families don’t have the basic skills they would need to help them survive a difficult…

  • Preventing Air Pollution From Hurting Your Homestead

    Preventing Air Pollution From Hurting Your Homestead

    Human beings need three things to survive — clean water, clean soil and clean air. Toxic environments make it hard for people to stay in good health and get the sustenance they need. In a survival situation, health is your foundation for resilience and security. Without it, you lose the ability to think and act…

  • Do’s and Don’ts of Pest Control on Your Homestead

    Do’s and Don’ts of Pest Control on Your Homestead

    Everyone deserves a safe home that lasts for decades. Pests can prevent that from happening. They may infiltrate your house, eat away at the wood or ruin the crops that grow on your property. Even if they’re only a current annoyance, you and your family deserve peace at home. These are the do’s and don’ts…

  • Do You Have Enough Fats Stored?

    Do You Have Enough Fats Stored?

    Fats are crucial to a healthy diet, and they’re something that preppers tend to overlook in favor of bulk foods or anything that potentially lasts for decades. In this video she discusses how much fat you need, why it’s so important to stockpile, as well as which types of fats and oils to consider–there are…

  • No Air Conditioning AND No Power?

    No Air Conditioning AND No Power?

    The temperatures here in the Midwest (we’re in Kansas City) have been a real pain of late. Fortunately, most of us are blessed with a true modern marvel: central air conditioning. I can only imagine what life must have been like before it existed because even spending a a few hours outdoors in the heat…