Freeze-Dried Grapes: My First Real Failure
While we were at Costco buying groceries and Reese’s peanut butter cups, I decided some freeze-dried grapes would be nice, so I picked up two three-pound containers: As with every other fruit I’ve chosen to freeze-dry, preparation continues to be the most time consuming aspect since I had to slice every grape in half as…
DIY Terra Cota Pot Emergency Heater Variant
Get yourself a terra cotta pot, 90 degree HVAC duct, small glass jar, birthday candles, and vegetable shortening and you can make a DIY emergency heater with relative ease. Not sure why she made two heaters for this test, but the idea clearly works. I read a few comments for the video, and one person…
15 Winter Camping Tips
There’s nothing like the solitude and tranquillity of camping on a cold, snowy evening. With most animals and other people holed up for the winter, you likely have the whole frozen landscape to yourself, which can make for a truly unforgettable trip. Still, camping in low temperatures can be a challenge — there’s nothing like…
Freeze-Dried Charleston Chews, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
We had some friends come over last weekend, and I remember her saying she really wanted me to freeze-dried Charleston Chews. She had some on a vacation a while back and really liked them, so I figured I would surprise her. Then, while my wife and I were at Costco, I spotted some Reese’s Peanut…
Vesta Indoor Space Heater and Cooker
I’m always interested to see new survival products coming to market, and this indoor heater/cooker by Vesta (which you can purchase at MyPatriotSupply.com) is an interesting one. It’s self-contained, and uses InstaFire canned heat, or I assume, any canned heat product safe for indoor use, though I would verify my assumption. For those living in…
This is How Vulnerable Our Power Grid Really Is…
Over the weekend, I took time to watch an hour-long presentation at GridDownPowerUp.com. It’s narrated by Dennis Quaid, and details all the ways our aging power grid is vulnerable to natural disasters, terrorism, cyberattack, EMP, and more. Although I probably knew most of the information presented, I was glad to watch the entire documentary because…
Considerations for Hiring a Landscaper for Your Homestead
Maintaining a homestead is one of the most rewarding lifestyle choices you can make. Becoming self-sufficient by gardening, raising livestock, or even spinning your own yarn provides you with a degree of independence most people don’t have. Are you planning a large landscaping project or simply need some help around the yard? There are a…
Freeze-Dried Pears
I keep hunting for new foods to freeze-dry, in part to try something new for you, but also out of curiosity for me. At some point, however, I’ll have to return to foods I’ve already tried. This week I purchased sixteen pounds of pears from Sam’s Club for $26.48: Initially, I was looking for berries,…
The Emergency Heater You Need
These emergency kerosene heaters are all pretty much the same in how they work, but still buy a reputable brand, like Dyna-Glo, though this Sengoku heater has plenty of good reviews. In any case, so long as you can keep enough kerosene on hand, you’ll have a ready-to-deploy heat source powerful enough to keep a…