How to Shelter Against a Category 5 Blizzard
The fear of climate change is often focused solely on heat waves and hurricanes, but those aren’t the only weather events impacted by a looming climate crisis. Research is showing that while the Arctic is getting warmer, we’re going to experience colder and colder winters. Polar vortices and massive blizzards are going to put our…
Creating a Defensive Perimeter Around Your Homestead
You’ve built your homestead, raised livestock and crops and organized a system that will help you live on your own indefinitely. You have a sustainable water source, bought equipment to care for your land and invested in renewable energy. You’re ready to exist off the grid. All this shouldn’t go to waste because you didn’t…
Which Type of Body Armor is Best?
Type any variation of “how to survive an apocalypse,” and you’ll find hundreds of thousands of results. They could range from how to store food for long periods to what guns will provide the best protection without needing a lot of specialized work or repairs if something goes awry. There are plenty of tips and…
8 Efficient Transportation Options for SHTF
Regardless of what ultimately causes the apocalypse, a lot of things are going to change. Trips to the grocery store or the doctor will be replaced with emergency supplies, farming, and first aid training. Moving from place to place won’t be as easy as hopping in the car and hitting the road, either. Transportation in…
10 Pieces of Smart Technology Transforming Survivalism
At its most basic level, survivalism means overcoming adverse circumstances and staying alive. However, the term has come to represent different things to various people over the years. To some, surviving entails preparing for global disasters like famine, war, drought or even a zombie apocalypse. These survivalists often create safety bunkers and stockpile weapons, food…
DIY 24 Brick Rocket Stove
I always enjoy DIY projects like these. And, while I’ve shared plenty of rocket stove ideas in the past, I figured it couldn’t hurt to share a simple design which works great, so long as you have enough bricks on hand…
How to Treat Animal Bites While in the Wild
In a survival situation, there are a lot of variables to consider when it comes to staying safe. You need to make sure you have clean drinking water and food with the proper nutrients to keep you healthy. You need shelter to protect you from the elements and any hazards, and fire to let you…
5 Things To Get Before the Dollar Crashes
Personally, I say the following video only scratches the surface of what you should be doing to prepare for what’s coming. You’re welcome to read my thoughts in my new book, Crisis Preparedness Guide, if you’d like to know more, but the video below is a great start. You can skip to the 2:35 mark…
A Comprehensive Guide to Collecting Wood
The average modern homeowner has a few choices when it comes to heating and cooling their home. You’ve got central heat and air that runs primarily on electricity. You’ve got furnaces that can burn fuel oil, natural gas, propane, or pellets. There are even old-school properties that may still use wood-fired stoves to heat the…