Smarter Food Storage Survival Tips
There are generally four things that you need to survive an emergency situation: shelter, water, warmth, and food. Other things, like ammunition and medical supplies, can increase your chances, but without the four things listed above, survival is going to be more difficult than it should be. Today, we’re going to focus on food, and…
How Alternative Currencies Will Influence Post-Apocalyptic Commerce
Imagine this: You turn off your radio, bolt your doors, and head down the road to trade a few gold antiques for a crate of canned beans and a barrel of clean water. These items will sustain you in your travels and can be traded for other goods and services — mainly transportation — along…
How to Start Your Own Fish Farm
As someone who is self-sufficient and off-the-grid, you want to be able to provide everything for you and your family. Homesteaders aim to source their food, water and other needs for themselves rather than rely on grocery stores and other mainstream resources. Although many homesteaders resort to growing their own produce and raising cattle, chickens,…
Hurting My Shoulder Reminded Me Of This…
About two weeks ago I pulled a muscle in my shoulder. It was enough to keep me from wanting to use it for a few days and the pain continues to linger, though I suspect it has more to do with me continuing to use my arm more than I should than anything being terribly…
What to Know About Horses for Farming on Your Homestead
Horses are powerful animals. There’s a reason why vehicles have “horsepower” and not “cow power” or “dog power.” The strength of a horse far exceeds that of most other animals, which is why they’ve been used for years to help with the most demanding tasks. Trading in your tractors and other machines for a team…
Eating 3 Year Expired Tostada Shells and Other Food Storage Calamities
We recently relocated back to Missouri and moved in with our in-laws, in part to get back on our feet after out relocation, but to also help them get their house ready to sell in the next month. And, while it’s funny now, the other day I ended up eating three year expired tostada shells…
Food Storage Fatal Flaw?
What’s the fatal flaw in your food storage? Water. She explains why in the video below, but the short answer is that many freeze dried foods take far more water to rehydrate than most folks realize, and if you’re only storing a gallon per person per day (as the “experts” recommend) for emergency preparedness then…
Pros and Cons of Growing Your Own Animal Feed
Whether you’re raising livestock to sell, eat or produce milk, eggs and cheese, feeding your animals high-quality food is a must. Of course, doing so can become quite expensive, especially when supply and demand fluctuate so quickly. By now, you might even wonder whether growing your own feed is a better alternative. After all, if…
11 Ways to Fortify Your Survival Shelter
Do you remember the old story of the ant and the grasshopper? If you don’t, here’s a quick refresher. The ant spends all summer storing food for the winter, so that when the weather gets cold, he’s got enough to survive. The grasshopper spends all summer playing and then starves to death when winter comes,…