• Most Common Disaster Scams and How to Avoid Them

    Most Common Disaster Scams and How to Avoid Them

    Natural disasters are inherently chaotic. Sadly, while communities rally together to rebuild, there’s a darker element that seeks to exploit the chaos for personal gain: scammers who target the victims. These criminals leverage the vulnerabilities of those affected (and those willing to help), exploiting an emotional time for all. Understanding how these scams operate and…

  • The Perfect Off-Grid or Bug Out Solution?

    The Perfect Off-Grid or Bug Out Solution?

    Got an RV or, better yet, a travel trailer? If so, then it might just be the perfect solution for living off grid during a SHTF or bug out situation. But only as long as you have it setup properly…

  • What to Do Before, During, and After a Flood

    What to Do Before, During, and After a Flood

    Homesteaders and off-grid folks should be prepared for possible floods. Even if you live in an area where floods are rare, safeguarding the life you spent years building is crucial for your peace and safety. Preparing Before a Flood These are the top to-dos to complete to prepare your land for a flood. Weather reports…

  • Optimal Food Storage Plan for Preppers: 10 Steps

    Optimal Food Storage Plan for Preppers: 10 Steps

    As a prepper, being ready for anything means more than just stockpiling supplies and gear. It also means fueling your body to stay strong, sharp and healthy no matter what challenges arise. A well-stocked food supply is crucial for riding out any disaster, whether it’s a grid-down, disease outbreak, martial law or economic collapse. But…

  • Only $800 on Groceries Per Year for Two Adults?

    Only $800 on Groceries Per Year for Two Adults?

    You read that title correctly: This person apparently only spends roughly $67 per month on groceries; I think we spend at least $800 per month on groceries … at least it feels that way. 🙂 She spends so little by (1) only purchasing items on very deep discount when necessary and (2) reverse-meal-planning, meaning she…

  • Pill Organizers for Bug Out Bags

    Pill Organizers for Bug Out Bags

    With how organized I like to be, I can’t believe I haven’t done this yet. For what it’s worth, I’ve always just kept my over-the-counter (OTC) meds in small Ziploc bags, labeled with a sharpie. Those small bags were then stashed in a larger, quart-sized Ziploc and placed in each bug out bag. Recently, I…

  • EMP Aftermath. Could You Get Home?

    EMP Aftermath. Could You Get Home?

    The scenario the video below discusses is that of an EMP strike and returning home after a short domestic flight. Of course, you probably don’t know what’s happened, but all electronics quite working (including your smartphone) and you don’t have the luxury of a bug out bag. That said, they packed more survival gear in…

  • New Smartphone Survival Apps Book

    New Smartphone Survival Apps Book

    I’ve been writing survival books for about seven years, now. And one of the first books I’d written was about smartphone apps for survival. Regrettably, the original book on this topic is in need of some help…I’m almost ashamed that people still buy it considering how outdated the advice has been for years, lol. But…

  • 9 Water Conservation Tips for an Emergency

    9 Water Conservation Tips for an Emergency

    Water is wonderful. It’s the stuff of life, and something we often take for granted until disaster strikes. Suddenly, a reliable source of clean water becomes a top priority! Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes can quickly disrupt water infrastructure, leaving you struggling to meet your basic needs. But even in the face of an emergency, there are…