• Urban Get Home Bag

    Urban Get Home Bag

    Apparently, great minds think alike because SensiblePrepper finally got on board with creating his own get home bag which, in my humble opinion, is just as important as a traditional bug out bag. After all, you’re easily likely to be AWAY from home and needing to get back in more situations than you are to…

  • Why Is One Knot Better Than Another? Science Explains…

    Why Is One Knot Better Than Another? Science Explains…

    Perhaps you instinctively know that a square knot is stronger than a granny knot, but why? Like this article points out, they’re almost identical when finished, so one would assume that they would also equal in strength, but that’s not true as generations of actual use indicates. Interestingly, researchers have figured out that by using…

  • Self-Cleaning Oven Fires and Other Winter Dangers

    Self-Cleaning Oven Fires and Other Winter Dangers

    Over the holidays we went to visit family in Kansas City for a few weeks… all I can say now is that I’m glad to be back home for a while, lol. One day, however, I noticed that my mother-in-law had set her oven to self-clean and then left the house to run errands. In…

  • Outdoor Wood Burner Boiler for Entire Home Heating and Hot Water

    Outdoor Wood Burner Boiler for Entire Home Heating and Hot Water

    I must be into heating ideas lately because it’s cold out as this outdoor wood burner video caught my eye. Personally, it feels like overkill for most people, but if you can afford the time–and possibly the expense–of getting all the firewood ready, this might be a good solution. In this video he discusses the…

  • DIY Rocket Stove Water Heater

    DIY Rocket Stove Water Heater

    Knowing how to make a rocket stove of varying designs is one of the best prepper skills you can have for homesteading or SHTF events. You can use them for everything, from heating your home to cooking food and boiling water, please learn the concept. With that in mind, here’s a neat way to make…

  • How to Cook With Solar Panels and a 12-volt Frying Pan

    How to Cook With Solar Panels and a 12-volt Frying Pan

    If you’ve already got a solar panel or two–he used two 100-watt panels–and you can get a portable frying pan (similar to this one) or, better yet, a portable saucepan, you can cook without grid power so long as there’s enough sunlight to push several amps… even directly connected to the frying pan or saucepan!…

  • Blink XT Home Security Camera System Review

    Blink XT Home Security Camera System Review

    I’ve been wanting to buy security cameras for years, but I always put it off because I figured the good ones cost too much, I probably had to run wires somehow, and we rent so I didn’t want to install anything permanent. That’s what I thought until I decided to really look into wireless cameras.…

  • How to Prepare Your Truck for TEOTWAWKI

    Tesla’s armor-clad Cybertruck arrived on the scene in November with an open provocation to the F-150s, Rams and Silverados of the world. Outside-the-box thinking has always been a trademark of the California carmaker. However, disaster-proof trucks were around long before Elon Musk was selling flamethrowers and building cave submarines. You don’t have to wait years…

  • How to Survive the First 2 Months of SHTF

    How to Survive the First 2 Months of SHTF

    Could you survive months after a catastrophic event, such as a complete grid-down collapse? Most people think they could, invoking daydreams of Mad Max scenarios, but odds are that they’re not even close to being ready for anything close! Even most preppers might not be ready, are you? After all, there will be no power…